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A Week Later

Quick A/N sorry! Any situations where the guys go exploring with Josie will most likely not be in the same order they posted. I write a scenario of where they explore or what video they do based on how events work out in the story. So basically, this book is not in the same order as any TFIL or Sam and Colby video :) Also, any video Ella makes isn't based off anything but my own imagination :)

After the situation that happened last week with Lewis, he hasn't tried to contact me again. I have kept to myself mostly, doing things with Dev and Kat whenever they were free. Although today, no one in the house was available. I decided to spend the day with Ella, which we haven't done in a while, it feels like.

"Ells?" I ask, knocking on the door of her bedroom.

"Come in," I hear her say, and when I open the door she is already ready.

"Well, where are you off to?" I ask, praying she wanted company.

"I'm gonna film a YouTube video, and was going to ask if you wanted to come, actually," she asks, tying her hair u in a ponytail.

"Yes! I was going to ask if we could hang out anyways," I say, and laugh.

"Awesome! I'm not telling you where we are going, though," she says sneakily, a smirk growing on her face.

"What? Why?" I say, and tilt my head in confusion.

"Cause its the point of the video," she says, grabbing her vlog camera. I groan, and she smiles.

"Can you at least tell me what to wear?" I ask, pointing down at my sweats-and-sweatshirt combo I was surreally wearing.

"Well, it has been kinda chilly lately and I guess we will be outside so, something warm-ish? Really anything you usually wear will be fine," she says, and I nod and run off to my room to change. I wear a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, black vans, and a black hoodie. I put my hair in a ponytail as well and meet Ella in the living room.

"Ready?" She asks me, and I nod. She leads the way down to her car and I get in the passenger side. She starts driving, and as she is driving she props her camera up to film her intro.

"Hello guys, its Ella, of course, and I am back with the oh-so-amazing Josie!" She says, pointing at me. I smile softly at the camera, and Ella continues her introduction.

"So, you guys already know what happening by the title of this video, but Josie is completely in the dark about what we are about to see," she says, smirking at me, and I widen my eyes.

"I swear, if you are taking me anywhere dangerous I will kill you," I say laughing, and she shakes her head.

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous, its just .... never mind, I don't want to spoil anything," she says, making a hard right.

"Damn it," I mumble, causing Ella to erupt into laughter.

"Anyway, I will update you guys when we get there!" She says, then asks me to turn off the camera. I turn it off and hold it in my lap while we drive down a very isolated street. She parks randomly on the side of the road, and let me just say I am hella thankful we aren't doing this at night. I do not mind the scary stuff, but this street is something else.

"Where the hell are we?" I ask as she takes the camera from my lap.

"So, here's the backstory," she says, turning on her camera and propping it up on her car so the viewers could hear as well, "this is actually the street my great great grandmother lived on, and her house is just up the street a ways. She didn't die here, but when she went to a retirement home, my great grandmother rented it out to people. So a couple moved in, like newlyweds, and they stayed there long after my great great grandma passed. Then, just like ten years ago, they suddenly died in the house, and since then it has been abandoned," she says, and I widen my eyes.

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