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The girls have not stopped bugging me since I confessed my feelings to them about Colby. It has been three days of 'Are you gonna tell him?' And 'you should ask him out!' And I was over it. I woke up feeling pissed off, and then Ella comes in my room.

"Has he texted you yet?" She asked, and I lost it. I kept most of it bottled up, and in the calmest voice possible I spoke to her.

"Please stop. Please," I say, and throw the covers over my head. She must've sensed that I was pissed, cause I felt her sit on my bed and rub the spot where my leg was.

"I'm sorry, I'm just excited," she says, and then my phone vibrates. I poke my head out of the blankets and saw it was Colby. I looked up and saw her eyes asking the question that her voice didn't have to ask.

"Yes, it's Colby," I tell her, and she jumps a bit excitedly. I roll my eyes at her to see what Colby sent.

Colby - Hey want to help me with a video for Sam and I's channel?

Me - sure, what is it?

Colby - we are doing truth or strip 😝

Me - ok then 😂 I'll be right over

Colby - you need a ride?

Me - no I'm all good to drive now, but thanks

"Looks like I'm going to Colby's," I say, and she claps her hands happily.

"Yay!" She says excitedly, and I pull off the shirt i slept in and replaced it with a hoodie.

"No no no," she says as I am adjusting the hood over my long side braid.

"What?" I ask, and she starts to rifle through my closet, "no no no I'm not changing," I say, and tug my hoodie down. I quickly snatch a pair of white ripped jeans and pull them on and slip on my vans.

"Fine," she said, giving up and handing me my keys. I thank her and go out to my car. When I get to Colby's, only a couple cars are in the driveway. I get out and let myself in, and am greeted by Circa.

"Hello, girlie," I say, and rub her behind her ears as Sam and Colby come down the stairs.

"Hey, Jo!" Colby says, and I stand up.

"Hey, Col," I say smiling, "Hey Sam."

"So, we want you to read the questions out for us since we don't want to get our phones wet," Colby explains, and I nod.

"Okay, sounds good," I say. We walk out to the backyard, and I see they already had their camera propped up near the spa.

"Also, we need you to dump ice on us if we have to strip," Sam says, and I smirk.

"Well that sounds fun," I say, and laugh. Sam hands me his phone which was already open to the questions, then they both got in the hot tub after starting the camera.

"What's up you guys it's Sam and Colby," Colby starts.

"Today we are playing truth or strip with the help of Josie," Sam says, and they wave at me even though I was out of frame.

"I will be reading the questions," I say, still off the frame, and they both nod, confirming what I had said.

"She will indeed. Also, if one of us has to strip, then Josie will also pour a bag of ice over our heads," he says, and I laugh.

"Alright, let's play Rock Paper Scissors to see who goes first," Colby suggests. Sam ended up winning, so I looked for the first question to ask.

"Alright Sam, first question on your list is what do you hate most about Colby," I say, and burst out laughing.

"I don't know, nothing really. I mean we have been explore buddies since like freshman year or something," Sam says, and Colby puts his hand over his heart.

"Aw, love you too bro," he says, and I look down for the next question for Colby.

"Alright Colby, is there anyone in your life that you want to be more than friends with," I say, raising my brows and looking at him. Keeping his eyes trained on the camera, he whips off the bandana he was wearing, and I stand, putting the phone on the chair.

"Sorry, can't answer that," he says, and I surprise him with the ice over his head. He shrieks, and I almost started crying I was laughing so hard.

"Okay okay Sam, have you ever lied to Colby?" I question, and Sam pauses while thinking, then finally answers.

"No, never even considered it," he says.

"Well then Colby, your turn once again," I say. I go through at least five or six more questions until they are both in their boxers, and I asked the last question to Colby.

"Colby, have you ever had a thing for anyone who is social media famous?" I ask. He smirks at the camera, and I widen my eyes.

"Boxers are coming offff," he says, and I get up, placing Sam's phone on the chair, and run the other way.

"No way am I witnessing that," I yell across the yard. I watch as he holds up his boxers at Sam, who had gotten out of the hot tub. I laughed as he chucked them at Sam, who threw them back at Colby who finally put them back on.

"Well guys that's it for the video, Josie come get in the frame," Sam says. I jog over and sit down, making sure I could see myself completely in the viewfinder, "thanks to Josie for helping us with the questions, hope you guys enjoyed and we will see you next time," he says, and ends the video.

"Colby, I can't believe you," I said laughing, and he shrugged.

"Whatever," he said, then winked at me. I laughed lightly under my breath then retreated back inside the house. They both went upstairs to change, and I sat on the couch on my phone. Colby was first to come down, and he sat down next to me.

"So," he starts, and I furrow my brows together and look at him.

"Yeeeeees?" I ask, and he looks at me, nervous.

"I really like you," he says quietly. I blinked a few times, and looked down at my black screen.

"Me too," I whisper, and meet his eyes again. They have a new and different sparkle to them now that I said that.

"You know how there was a question about if I wanted to be more than friends with someone?" He asked, and I nodded, "Well, that person is you."

"Really?" I ask, feeling like this was a dream of some sort.

"Really. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah," I say, and he wraps his arms around me. I lean my head against his chest and smile, and then hear clapping from the stairwell.

"Yay!" Sam says, coming out with Kat, Dev, and Ella on his heels.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"We convinced Colby!" Kat said, and I looked at him.

"So, you knew I liked you?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Not necessarily, they just told me I should ask you, and that they knew I liked you," he said, his cheeks turning red as well.

"Well, I'm glad," I say, and smile.

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