32. I Love You

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SO much angst oml, enjoy ;)

I didn't want to wake up. If I had a choice, I'd sleep the day away instead of getting up to see who's trying to knock down our hotel room door at five o'clock in the morning, but Kelsey's constant whining and yelling at me to get up distributed my aggressive attempt to shut out the loud, incessant bangs.

I make my way to the door after having to roll myself off of the bed to wake me up, not excited to see whoever is on the other side. To my surprise, but not really, Shawn is standing at the threshold with two coffees in his hand. I raise my eyebrows at him, wanting him to explain his presence.

"Hi." He says quite loudly with a giant smile on his face. 

I muster up my best smile, which is hard considering it's so early. "Hello. Can I ask why you're knocking on my door at five in the morning?" I ask him, making sure he knows that I'm very annoyed.

If he does notice my annoyance, he doesn't acknowledge it, instead, he holds one of the coffees out to me. "I got you coffee."

I take the coffee from his hand and glance at the labels on the side of the cup. A warm smile lights up my face as I read the messy writing, but I try to hide it from Shawn. He knows my coffee order, was my immediate thought, but I quickly remind myself that after knowing each other so long, he'd better know at least my coffee order. 

"Thank you, is that all?" I ask him as he leans awkwardly on the door frame, seemingly deep in thought. I clear my throat so he snaps out of whatever seems to be capturing his attention. I don't want to be standing here all day, waiting for another one of his stupid explanations.

"Uh...no. I wanted to ask you something." He rubs the back of his neck which I've only really seen him do a few times. It makes him look extremely awkward and uncomfortable, leaving me to wonder why he's here when he clearly doesn't want to be.


It takes him a moment of silence before answering. "Can we hang out?" His gaze shifts quickly from me to the floor as he speaks, and suddenly, I feel like he's scared of me. 


He looks up at me again with a new-found confidence in his eyes. "I just want to spend some time alone with you." He stares intensely at me, making me shift uncomfortably. 

"Since when, Shawn?" I cross my arms over my chest to show him that I'm getting tired of this conversation that we seem to have every time we see each other.

"I promised you an explanation, and you're gonna get one. I promised you that you won't have to live another day in the dark so here is my offer." I look him in the eyes to see the amusement behind them that I had expected, but he looks very serious, which kind of...worries me. 

"Oh, thank you so much for this opportunity, Shawn, I'm so glad you've deemed me worthy of your time now," I say sarcastically, causing him to roll his eyes at me. 

"Stop being negative and get dressed, I'll be back in a minute." He leaves me at the door and makes his way down the hallway to the elevator. I watch until he gets in, then I step back into the room and close the door. I place my coffee on the table next to the tv before walking further into the room to check on Kelsey.

She is still sleeping in her bed with her body faced towards the wall. I try not to wake her up as I collect my things to get myself ready. 

Am I really gonna hang out with him? I ask myself. I don't want to give him the satisfaction but I also, more than anything, want to learn what his secret is that he has been hell-bent on keeping from me.

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