On our way!

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Holly Pov:

Josh was coming to pick me up in half an hour. I couldn’t be bothered packing. I moaned and sighed as I lifted myself up off the sofa. “Argh.”I strolled off into my bedroom flinging open my wardrobe door and pulling my suitcase out from under my bed, dropping it on my bed.

I guess I should be more happy! Im going to be on Warped Tour with loads of bands that I love, not to mention spending time with Josh and the rest of the guys! Im going to every date and get to hang with famous rockstars and Im moaning. Bitch what is wrong with you. Any girl would die to be in my position! I got my act together and finished packing.

I heard my front door close, shortly followed ny Josh’s voice “Fuckface, come on, we ain’t got all day!” I pulled my suitcase off the bed and dragged it down the hall. Greeted by Josh’s tall figure, I couldn’t help but smile like the idiot I am.

He was wearing a red and black plaid shirt with the usual jeans. I don’t know how but he just made me feel comfortable. At home. “Hey dopey, what you smiling at?” he looked paranoid as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Nothing. Just thinking.” He nudged my shoulder as I walked past him, signalling him to get out so I could lock my door. “About?” I smiled again, uncontrollably, seriously, this shits getting old, what’s the matter with me!? “Just how lucky I am. Can you imagine all the girls that would kill to be in my shoes? To have the ultimate best friend, to be going to warped to hang out with their idols. Just to have someone like you to share it with” with that I put my arm around him resting my head on his arm. “Aw you’re such a sweetheart sometimes. I love you Holls” We say in the taxi together “I love you too Joshy”

Josh Pov:

“So where are you lovebirds heading?” the taxi driver announced “oh we’re just friends, and the airport please” I looked over to Holly and smiled, its not the first time we’ve been mistaken for a couple. “My mistake, going anywhere fancy?” I don’t know why but I liked it when taxi drivers tried to make small talk, Im just weird like that I guess. “Warped Tour in America. Im playing there with my band” he gasped in shock as if not expecting something like that. “Awesome, what’s your band called?”

I looked down at Holly and she looked tired, not surprised she was probably up all night as usual “You Me At Six” I could see in the mirror that he was smiling “you’ve got to be kidding!? My daughter loves you guys! I hate to be a pest but do you mind if I got your autograph for her?” I shook my head “of course not! Tell her I said Hi too!” he handed me a piece of paper and concentrated on his driving “what’s her name?” I rested the paper on my knee “Kayleigh” with that I wrote.. ‘Kayleigh, love you lots. Josh! x’ I handed it back to him as he pulled into the airport car park.

I paid him and got out opening Holly’s door. We met with Max, Matt, Chris and Dan and waited to get on the plane. Now all we had to do was wait.

We had been on the plane for just fifteen minutes and Holly has already fallen asleep. Shocking. Her head rested on my shoulder and her hair sweeping across her face. She looked beautiful, even when asleep. No Josh, what the fuck are you saying, she’s your best friend. That’s all.

She woke up thirty minutes later “Its about fucking time, you have no idea how bored I am” she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair “Josh… Did you braid my hair?” she faced me trying not to laugh, I forgot to take it out before she woke up. “What, no, course not!!” she burst out laughing rocking back and forth “what the fuck is this then? You’re such a terrible liar!!” my face went bright red with embarrassment, I knew she would milk this for all she could get. “Okay, so I may have put a few braids in your hair, but you’re so boring when you’re asleep!” she gave me a pity look and put her head back on my shoulder. “Do you remember when we were ten and we blew of the Cameron twins’ birthday party to go and watch the diving at the local pool?” I let out a small laugh nodding my head “Yeah, what a waste of time it was so boring! We should have gone to the party, the only good thing about that day was the free slushies we got” we both laughed remembering the good times “what about that time, we got caught skipping gym class just because we didn’t bring in our gym clothes and we didn’t want shouted?”. We spend the whole of the plane journey just remembering our past.

Holly Pov:

We finally landed. I was so excited to go to warped. I couldn’t wait to see half the bands that I would be partying with. I couldn’t describe in words how ecstatic I was. I trudged out of the airport with the rest of the guys. I nudged Dans arm getting him to walk my pace “oh my god you’ll never guess what!?” he started smiling his flawless smile “what?” I went on my tip toes and whispered in his ear, “when I was asleep on the plane, Josh braided my hair!” we both started laughing and Josh turned around looking at us paranoid “I knew he was part girl” Dan whispered back “why do you think we are so close… He’s got a feminine side that doesn’t show that often” We got into the tour bus that they got to pick us up at the air port and take us to the first venue, to rest before they have to play.

However, when we got there I took this opportunity to go ans cope out band members. Holly you’re such a stalker, I know but I cab’t help it. They’re just all so lush!!

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