Me and derek trudge to the kitchen and we find my mum making a massive pot of coffee. COFFEEEEEEE!

As quickly as I can I make my way to the the coffee, poor myself a massive pint of coffee, add 7 sugars and some milk and down it. Ah coffee.

"Slow down there kid, bad enough you have ADHD." My old dad, Noah, says walking in with Mrs McCall. They don't seem hungover, just tired.

"I'll be fine pops, besides I gotta start a massive breakfast for all the packs so I need the energy and I need to do something to distract me from the fact all my pups have headaches and it's making mine worse. So coffee helps." After I finish derek comes over to me and tries to pull my pain but had to flitch away a soon as he starts.

"Stiles, babe, stop. I'll make breakfast you go lie down. I'm sure Melissa and Cas will happily help me make breakfast." He tries to sooth me but I refuse to let him help.

"Babe my job as Luna is to feed and make sure my pack are okay, make sure our den is clean and comforting and be there when they need me. It's not my job to just sit around whilst other people do my job. So I will make the breakfast, you go wake the pack up. Let the other packs wake up by themselves, plus hey will all probably wake up once they smell bacon." He just nods - knowing there's no changing my mind-, kisses my forehead and goes around the house finding the pups. Right I need bacon, eggs, toast, beans, sausages, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, mushrooms, French toast and fruit. Damn that's a lot of food,good think I picked up 5 times more then we usually get.

Half way through making breakfast half the pups are fully awake, I've roped Isaac, Melissa, Mum, Mason and Lydia into helping make breakfast as well as some Lunas  from the other packs. In the corner of my eye I can see Brett and Theo walking in, that's old where's Liam.

"Hey pups, where's the other amigo?" I ask as curiosity got the better of me.

"He wasn't with us when Dad woke us up so we thought he was with you but he's not." Brett states and I drop the frying pan.

"What!" I yell probably waking everyone in the house up. If it weren't for my headache I'd be able to tell if liam is okay. "What do you mean he's not with you? Search the house! NOW!" And every pup- mine or not- looks round the house. I swear to god liam is never drinking again, as soon as i find him I'm grounding his ass for a century. Derek comes down with a distraught look on his face.

"Stiles grab your shoes we gotta look round the reserve." Usually he wouldn't let me go but because of my powers it's easier to find people, plus there's lots of packs here.

"OKAY EVERYBODY LISTEN UP, PETER, CHRIS, KIRA, SCOTT, BOYD, JACKSON, BRETT, THEO AND HE TWIN YOU'RE COMING WITH. IF ANYONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO COME, YOUR HELP WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. THIS RESERVE STRETCH OF THE WHOLE OF BEACON HILLS. THE REST OF YOU HAVE BREAKFAST AND PROTECT THE PACK HOUSE." I can tell my eyes are red and I can see the the lights breaking around me but right now I don't care. And I swear to god if it's those hunters imma murder them all. Good thing Gabe has been teaching me how to control my 'pack mamma' mode else I would have flipped by now. Derek throws me my shoes and everyone is ready to leave. All the alphas from the other pack know we've had a bit of trouble with some hunters and they all are outside awaiting orders to help.

"MUMMM!" mason screams running out the house. He runs straight into my arms. "COREY... BED... SLEEPWALKING... GONE"

"Mason breath then tell me." I calmly say. And after a few seconds he's calm enough to talk.

"Corey wasn't in bed when I woke but thats normal since he's always sleepwalking. But when you were ordering people to help look for Liam he wasn't around. I got Jackson to see if he can smell him but he couldn't. Corey's gone too." I hold him tighter and look to everyone. Those fucking hunters, I'm gonna kill every last one of them.

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