Chapter 7

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This chapter is really fucking long, enjoy. Also, sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes 😊

Ugh, my head hurts so much, maybe putting wolfbaine in the alcohol wasn't a good idea. Where am I? Maybe I should open my eyes and check?. I quickly open them but regret it instantly, Fuck it's so bright. I blink a few times to adjust my eyes and I notice I'm in mine and Derek's room, naked with Derek's arms around me. I never sleep fully naked, god I do not miss being able to get drunk. Wait isn't God technically my grandad? I'll ask Gabe.

"Ugh my head hurts!" I hear Derek mumble into my back.

"No shit sherlock. You got drunk, your heads gonna hurt." I state turning around to face him. I don't mind derek seeing me naked, I mean he's my mate and he loves me for me not the way I look. I only sleep in a shirt because the pups come in a lot.

"Shut up babe!" He growls pulling me closer to his chest, one hand resting on my ass, squeezing it a little. If he thinks he can squeeze my ass and growl at me he's got another thing coming.

"Or what sourwolf?" I start to trail me hand down his bicep. "You gonna rip me throat out... with your teeth?" I trail my hand to his pecks and pinch his nipples hard.

"Stiles, ouch. Babe I'm not in the mood" he grumbles squeezing my ass even harder.

"Oh really? Then why are you squeezing my ass? If you keep on I might not be able to control myself." I slowly lower my hand down his torso.

"Mmm babe, the pups and your family are around the house, we shouldn't." His hand that wasn't on my ass is now squeezing my other ass-cheek.

"I'm pretty sure we had sex last night, multiple times by the feel of it. I think we can squeeze another round in." I gently grab his cock and caress the tip.

"Wait how many times do you think we did it?" His hands stop massaging my ass as he suddenly questions.

"I dont know. Why? You're ruining the mood Der-bear." He growls and gets out of bed walking to the en-suite bathroom. I hear him open the cupboard, the I hear the thump of him dropping something.

"Stiles, how many condoms did we have left?"

"6, why?"

"Because there's still six in this box. And we definitely had sex last night."

Oh shit. That means I could be... Fuck alphas, there stupid status meaning my hormones don't work when it comes to not getting yunno...

" Der what if I'm... we've never talked fully about this! Do you want kids? Are we ready for kids? Are we-" derek rushes in and kisses me, getting me your shut up.

"Yes I want kids, and babe we run a pack, we are parents already. I've seen you with babies, stiles, you're a natural. We got this. And hey you might not even be pregnant. Now let's go get dressed and get breakfast. God knows what the house looks like or what happened when we came upstairs." What derek just said made me smile, I honeslty love him so much. But damn my head ache is getting worse. Ugh. I flop back down into bed and earn a chuckle from derek. He throws some clothes on top of me whilst putting some sweat pants on. I slowly put my clothes on, glaring slightly at every move thanks to my hangover headache.

Once i finally make it out the room, I honestly don't care for my binder right now - can you blame me though, it's a struggle fighting with my binder and every slight move of my head increases my headache- it's all good though cuz everyone that was invited knows I'm transgender and respect it.

Holy! Shiiiiiit! What happened? Loads of random pack members were passed out on the floor drunk, some where naked. Solo cups and food lie everywhere. And I can't seem to find my pack, though they might be in there rooms, I can still sense their presence so I'm calm for now. I think my headache is so bad cuz the pups must have headaches too, god damn it. Everywhere looked the same- random packs everywhere, solo cups and food rubbish scattered around, and a few bits of broken furniture here and there.

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