Chapter 19

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"Stiles?" he speaks, in a normal tone but I can hear him perfectly. 

"Yeah, babe?" I mind-linked.

"Rip his throat out... With your teeth"

And I did.


His body went limp and became lifeless, green slime pours out his neck and down my chin (gross). I could hear the second his heart beat stop and the second his last breath was drawn. The weird thing is, i can sense the nemeton, feel it retrieve the soul/essence of this thing and all the dead hunters. The nemeton should be at peace now- full.

I step away the things body and look to my pack, then to the bodies on the floor. Guess we've got a bonfire tonight.

"Stiles, can you shift back?" Derek says from his spot with my parents, looking smug. Cheeky bitch, im so getting laid tonight.

"Yeah i think so" i mind link. I taught all the pups control, i think i can shift back. Just gotta think of an anchor.

Instantly my mind think of Derek. The first time we met in the forest, trying to find scotts inhaler. Then, i think of when we stuck in the pool, trying to keep derek up while he was paralised. But the memory that starts the shift back was when i told derek about me being transgender.

*****flashback bought to you by balthazar*****

The pack has just finished talking about the last couple days, which weren't eventful. Nothings going on, everything seems calm, eerily calm.

Anyways, the pu- i mean pack- have just left to do their own thing, leaving me and derek alone in his part of the loft. I'm gonna tell him I'm trans, its not like its a big deal but im just ready to let him know.

"Hey Derek?" I turn into the kitchen where he was putting dishes away. He turns around, looking as emotionally constipated as ever. Man, i wish i could take all his pain away or just hold him.

"What do you want stiles?" He practically growls. Oof, down boy.

"Easy there sourwolf. I wanna tell you something. I havent told many people but i think- no i know im ready to tell you. Its not like you deserve to know, wait i didn't mean it like that. I mean-"

"Stiles, spit it out." He says interupting my word vomit, looking kinda amused (his eyebrows gave that away.)

"I dont wont you to think any different of me, i know as a human im not as valuable to the pack. So if you kick me out cuz of this i understand." Why is this so nerve-wrecking, im proud of being trans.


"No, let me finish. Basically, i trust you enough to tell you I'm transgender FtM." I let out the breathe I was holding and look down. Sometimes, you never know how someone will react so i cant stand to look at his face.

"Stiles, look at me." Derek orders, sounding the most sincere I've ever heard him. I look up and i dont see an ounce of disgust or hate written in his eyebrows. "I would never think any different of you. You are still you, the annoying spaz. I would never kick you out of my pack for something like that. I may be a werewolf but i am not a monster. You are so valuable to this pack because youre human, you do so much for us, we trust and respect you so much. Nothing, not even being trans, would change that. Being trans doesnt define who you are, its just a part of it. It doesn't change how much i love you at all."

Wait what? Did THE Derek Hale jist say he loves me. Surely he got his 'I' and 'we' mixed up. No way can a man like that love a man like me. Surely he cant love me back!? Oh shit! I talking outloud!

"I think the real question is how can you love a man like me? Stiles, you can read me like an open book. That terrifies me but id rather it be you then anyone else. Ive got so much baggage and i dont want you to have to deal with it and-"

"Derek, i love you too. You deserve so much more then the life you've had. I love you, every part of you."

"Can I kiss you?" Derek asks nervously, it's adorable.

"Only if I can kiss you too." I smirk and he launches towards me.

****** Snap back to reality******

I open my eyes and Derek's in front of me. Eyes level with mine, smiling proudly. Guess I shifted back.

"You did it babes!" He praises pulling me into a hug.

"Um, hate to break it to ya mum, but you're naked" I turn to look at Scott, who's avoiding looking at me. I pull away from Derek slightly and look down. Sure enough, everything is on display. Shit.

I laugh awkwardly then snap my fingers. Clothes appear on my body instantly, covering and binding my body. Thank Chuck for Gabriel and his tricks he taught me.

"Everyone okay?" I pull away from Derek properly and check everyone over. A round of nods and 'yeah mum's' reassure me. In the corner of my eye I see mum disappear, probably to go check on the kids/everyone at Noah's and let everyone know it's safe. Which it is, safe. Jack and Gabe have started piling up the dead hunters, while Dad, Sam and Scott have started rounding up the unconscious ones. Occasionally you can here a thud of them being knocked out again.

"Daddy! Papa!" I turn to face the front door, Jason's trying his best to run down the porch steps, followed by Scar and the rest of the kids. I fly to the step and crouch down, waiting patiently for my pups, arms open wide. I can sense Derek behind me, doing the same as me. Once Jason and Scar get into the last step the jump into out arms. Jase in mine, Scar in Derek's.

"Papa, we save?" Scar whispers to Der. Her big green eyes sparkling, staring up at him.

"Yeah sweet heart, we're safe." He smiles down at her, bringing her head to his chest, nuzzling her hair.

Jase looks at me, smiling brightly, arms practically squeezing me to death.

"We're safe babies, all safe." I repeat and lean on Derek. We're all safe.

I can feel everyone relax through the pack bonds.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Fuck, the food! I hear Mum and Gabe fly to the kitchen, dad and a few other taking the human way there. Welp, at least the pies will be okay.

"Son of a bitch!"

Never mind.

I went through a few chapters and found a few fuck ups and I hopefully have sorted them all.
~C x

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