Chapter 6

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It's been a week since my birth family turned up, everything's been pretty chill out. Mum and dad come over a lot, Jack I'm now starting to see as a little brother. Jacks always curious about the class work I do online and ends up sitting with me while I'm working so I can teach him some stuff. Sam and Gabriel come round a lot and Gabriel always has sweets and gives them to the pups constantly, you'd think that because the pups are all basically adults it'd be fine, well think again cuz they get stupid sugar rushes and honestly it's like dealing with 5 year old. Nan and Bobby don't come round as much as they went back to Kansas to check on the people at the bunker but nan always cooks with me and Bobby, dean and derek always end up going to the garage and messing with dereks mechanic stuff, often helping derek fix a car for someone in town. Cas always sits and watch as me and nan cook, they even helps sometimes, but only with minor things like chopping vegetable. Though I might actually ask them if they'll help me cook instead of nan.

Currently they are all round, well nan and Bobby will be round soon - they are on their way back from the bunker. Sam and Gabriel are watch a movie with most of the pups, Dean is in the garage with derek, Jack and cas are in the kitchen with me. Jacks looking through my college books and Cas is helping me make cookies.

"So you know I'm part Angel and youre both sensing demon and werewolf? " I receive a nod from both of them. "What powers to I posses? Like what can I do?"

"Well I can open gates to hell, knock people over, break into vending machines, fly, heal, heal someone, read people's mind, I can also open portals to other realms" Jack states and I turn to Cas in shock.

"I'm not actually sure what you could be able to do. I'll ask Gabe. Also I've realised whenever you go into 'pack mama mode' the angel in you starts in a way radiating, which causes the other angels to sense you. But me and Gabriel are gonna try and find a way to block the angels but it's going to be difficult since its your grace that you're radiating" Cas says and I slowly nod.

"If I can I can see if I can help. I'm not just luna of the pack I'm also the packs emissary. I can cast spells, get hold of certain objects. Tell me what you need and I can find it. Also I wanna know how to fly!?" I blurt out the last part and I can hear people laughing from inside the living room.

"Well dear nephew I guess me and cassie over here are gonna have to give you a few angel lessons" Gabriel says popping out of know where.

"Son of a bitch. What the fuck? Don't do that!" I yell. Shit that made me jump.

"Tomorrow we will start angel training!" And with that Gabe leaves poofing of back to the living room.

"He does that a lot" Jack states then turns back to the book he was reading.

"What up bitches" i hear coming from the front door. Wait who the fuck is that. I sniff and can sense Nan and Bobby, but here's someone else.

"Charlie!" Jack yells and poofs off. I turn to Cas and they just smile.

"Stiles come here and meet Charlie!" I hear dean yell and I quickly walk to the front door. There hugging dean was this red head who I assume is Charlie.

"So your the great stiles!?" She said and walks over to me and crushes me into a hug.

"So your the one and only Charlie?" She nods and let's go of me. Dean's told me a lot about Charlie, she sounds amazing. I really want her to take me LARPing at some point. Can't belive she got my dad and uncle to do it.

"So where's this pack I gotta meet. Gotta make sure my nephew is okay and the people in his pack aren't proper bitches." Dean laughs and I walk towards the living room.

"Charlie!" Sam says standing up and pulls Charlie into a bone crushing hug.

"So what we watching?" She says sitting down and eating some one the cookies on the table.

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