Chapter 14

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Jina P.O.V.
"Good morning Rome." I greeted walking out of my room. "Morning Jina. Hurry up and get ready for work, I made toast." Rome greeted back. I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine (brush my teeth, moisturizer, makeup and all that) before going back to my room and changing into my work uniform. I walked to the kitchen and ate my toast when Rome suddenly put a stick in front of me. "What's this?" I asked looking at it. "It's a concealer stick. Your dark eye circles are drooping." She said. "JINJJA?!" I exclaimed and took out my small mirror before applying the concealer. "Gomawo chingu." I thanked. "Ppali, or we'll be late." Rome said. I fimished my toast and we got our bags and wore our shoes before taking the bus to work.

"See you at lunch Jiji." Rome waved and walked into the staff room. I waved back and ensured she disappered into the room before taking the elevator up to the office. "Good morning Jina." Everyone already im the office greeted. "Good morning guys!" I said back and went towards the desk. I took off my blazer and hung it on my chair before taking a file into the director's office. Ensuring I heard a "Come in", I opened the door and went into the director's office. There was the face I hated to see most, Oh In woo; a low-key pervert with a huge pride and lazy a**. "Annyeonghasaeyo Mr. Oh, here is the file of events. I have finished arranging everything already." I said with a fake smile and passed him a file that HE was supposed to complete himself. "Oh, finally. Very good Ms. Park, I know I could count on you. Can you complete these monthly budgeting costs by today? Oh, since you're already here, can you go to the cafe and buy me an Iced americano with a sandwhich?" He said. I wanted to freaking shout at him there and then, but resisted myself and fake smiled, answering with a "Ne." Before walking out. I let out a loud sigh before getting my wallet and going to the cafe across the road.

The bell on the cafe door rang as I walked in. I approached the counter and the workers there immediately recognised me. "The usual?" The cashier asked me. "Ne, Kamsahamnida." I payed and left with the order. Walking to Mr. Oh's office, I knocked on the door before entering. I saw that man again, that handsome Director. I smiled and bowed before passing the coffee and sandwhich to Mr. Oh. "Ms. Park, this is the Director of COEX mall." He introduced. I shook hands with that Director.  "He has come here to talk to us about the event plans, since the date needs to be closer, I need you to rearrange the events again." Mr. Oh continued. "But sir, that is not fair. Some people have been waiting months just to book-" I said before Mr. Oh cut me off. "Am I the boss or are you the boss?" He said. "Ne." I gave in and took the thick books of events to rearrange. Before starting on my work, I texted Rome.

Jina: Rome, Mianhae, I can't eat lunch with you today.

Rome: But I have a good restaurant I always wanted to try at.

Jina: Jeongmal Joesonghabnida. I have to rearrange to events again plus sort out the budget for each event.

Rome: I don't even have any words for that A**. I'm gonna complain sooner or later.

Jina: Mian! I'll make it up to you soon. I'm probably going to stay overnight so don't wait for me. Annyeong!

I turned off my phone and started on work. Time went by fast, I didn't even see that Director leave Mr. Oh's office.


"Jina, wanna go for lunch with us? We're going to this great bibimbap restaurant." My co-worker, Kevin asked. "Sorry, I still have a bunch of work to do." I said. "Isn't this unfair? Boss give you so much more work than us combined." Another co-worker, Sandara commented. "It's my job, now go have fun and eat a lot." I shooed them away before continuing. Not long after, a cup of coffee and lunchbox was slammed on my table. I looked up and saw Rome "I knew you would skip." She said. "Gomawo, you know me so well." I replied sipping on my coffee. "Do you have to complete this whole pile by today?" Rome asked as she flipped open the files. "Yup. You prince came by today and said he wanted the D&D earlier so I have to rearrange everything." I answered. "He came?! Where?!" She exclaimed looking around. "He left already." I said doing my work. "Yah, why didn't you tell me?" She complained. "You didn't ask.." I said. "Eish, I still have some work to do, eat your lunch Jina." She intructed before leaving. I waved her goodbye before continuing with my work.

*2am the next day*

"I'm done finally!" I exclaimed stretching my arms. I finally finished arranging the events, writing the list of items needed to decorate the upcoming event, and calculating the monthly budget. I looked around and everyone had left, even Mr. Oh. I shut down my computer, took my bag and blazer before leaving the building. "Annyeong Mr. Choi." I said to the security before exiting the building and taking the bus home.

I stepped inside the apartment quietly, not wanting to wake up Rome. I took a quick shower and changed before getting into bed and falling asleep.

Doneee!! Sorry for uploading latee ;-; I forgot to update kkkkkk,  ty for reading another chapter of dis storyyy!! Pls vote if u like it and share it bc I think this story is *almost* as good as Hidden. :3 <3 •人• GOMAWOOOO

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