Chapter 11

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Jina P.O.V.
The exams were finally over. It was a tough fight, with people crying after the exam, venting their anger and so much more. But still, I think I did a good job on my exam. Somehow, Chanwoo never gave me back my manga and claimed that he lost it at home, which was weird, but I still let it go.

It was finally the day when all of us would collect back our results for the examination. Jae, Jun and I decided to walk to school together so we could share our nervousness together. As we entered the school, there was a crowd gathered at the school's notice board. "What's going on?" I asked. "I don't know. I'll go check." Jun volunteered and walked towards the notice board. Jae and I stood beside the classroom waiting for Jun when a guy purposely bump into me. "Yah, what's wrong with you?!" I exclaimed, but he just chuckled and mumbled something before entering the class. Jun suddenly ran up to us, catching his breath. "What happened?" Jae asked and Jun passed us a piece of paper. Jae and I looked at it and to our horror, it was about my secret.  'Park Jina likes reading Yaoi and is a Fujoshi!' The title read. 'Park Jina was caught reading a manga about boy love and apprently she is a Fujoshi. No wonder she hangs out wirh Jun and Jae, the gay couple. Watch out boys or maybe she might ship you with just anyone in the school!' The description read. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes but I held it back in. 'So this was the reason Jung Chanwoo claimed he lost the book, he wanted to expose me!' I screamed internally and ran towards the notice board. The keychains on my bag were ringing the loudest in my life together with my fastest speed. I pushed through the crowd and ripped all the papers off the board. "Even if you do that, more papers are going to be printed. So I advise you stop wasting paper...Park Jina." A voice that sounded like Yeri's spoke out. I turned around and saw Red Velvet smirking. "She's that Park Jina?! Heol!" "Wow I thought she was innocent" Voices spoke out in the crowd. I looked around and threw the papers on the ground before running off, at this point of time where I went didn't matter to me, I just wanted to get the heck out of that school. But before I could run, Yeri grabbed me by my arm and whispered into my ear. "You should have expected this ever since I saw you tutoring with Chanwoo." She whispered. From that point, I ran.

Chanwoo P.O.V.
When me and the boys went in the school today, there was a crowd near the notice board but we ignored since we thought it was just some education stuff. About 30 minutes later, Jun and Jae had stomped into class, with Jun grabbing me by the collar. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO JINA?!" He screamed. "What did I do?!" I said getting out of his grip. "Don't act so innocent! You and iKON were the only one who knew this!" Jae shouted and threw a crumpled piece of paper on my desk before they ran off. I brushed my uniform and went to sit back down before opening the crumpled paper. My eyes widened as I read what was written there. I immediately ran off to find the boys.

Jina P.O.V.
With my legs leading me, I ran back to where I thought was the safest place for me. My Aunt's house. I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to open it. After a few rings, my mother opened the door. "Jina yah~ waegeurae?" She asked worriedly. I looked up at her with my red eyes "Eomma!" I exclaimed and hugged my Mum, with her hugging me back without any hesitation. She invited me inside and I told her what happened in school today. She comforted me saying that everything would be okay. I stayed there for a few hours before I had to go back. I skipped work today since I was clearly not in the state to work. When I reached home I checked my phone and had many miss calls and messages from Jae.

Jae: Jiji, are you okay?

Jae: Jiji.

Jae: Jiji please answer me.

Jae: Jaebal.

Jae: Jina.

Jae: Park Jina!

Jae: Jina...Jaebal.

Jina: Mian, I was visiting my Mum just now.

Jae: Are you okay?

Jina: Yes Jae, I'm fine.

Jae: That's good to hear.

Jina: I won't be comeing to school anytime soon. Mian

Jae: It's okay, I know you need some time to yourself.

Jae: Good news, you got the highest in the class and got a scholarship to go study in America:)

Jina: Jinjja?! I'm glad to hear that. I'll see you soon.

I put down my phone and smiled. Soon, my doorbell rang violently. As soon as I opened the door, I was pulled by Bobby and Donghyuk into a black van. "What are you doing?! Are you kidnapping me?" I asked as the van started to move. "We're not kidnapping you. Something bad happened in school and only you can solve it." Donghyuk said. "What happened?!" I askes. "You'll see." He said back and we sat there queitly waiting to reach the school.

Donghyuk, Bobby and I ran into the school as soon as we reached. We ran towards the classroom and there was a crowd outside of it. We pushed out way through and to my horror, I saw June, Hanbin and Yunhyeong on the floor with bruises and Chanwoo strangling Yeri. I froze on the spot so Donghyuk and Bobby went up to stop Chanwoo. They tugged on his arm and Chanwoo let go. Chanwoo turned around and I saw his eyes, I had never seen anything like it my life. His eyes were full of anger, ones that could kill with a look. Bobby and Donghyuk were trying to resist him, only to get beat up the same way the others did. Yeri was standing at the side in fear together with the rest of Red Velvet. They hid her behind them, leading to Chanwoo throwing them to the ground and strangling Yeri again. This time, I knew I had to do something. I ran up and tried to pry his hands off Yeri. "Stop it! You're killing her!" I shouted. But he didn't listen and comtinued strangling her. "GEUMAHAE!" I shouted again, only to be thrown accross the classroom. My head hit the edge of the desk and I blacked out.

Omaigad this is DRAMAAAAAAA
This was my first time writing something like this omg. My heart was racing when I wrote the last part. It was like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Anyways thx for waiting!!! Sorry I didnt update earlier, lack of ideas and lazy again so sorry!!

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