Chapter 5

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Jina's P.O.V.
After Chanwoo dropped me off, I bid him goodbye and went upstairs. Once I reached the apartment, my phone rang. My mum was calling. "Yeoboseyo?" I asked. "Jina, jeongmal Mianhae, but can you transfer another 500000 won?" She pleaded. "Eomma! Didn't I just transfer 250000 won this morning?!" I exclaimed. "I know, but the debtors came again and they are asking for another 500000 won." She told me. "Where is Appa? Ask him to pay it off himself!" I said. "Your father...isn't home right now and I have to pay it first or else they will hurt your Appa." She said. "Arraseo. Wait for me." I said. I hung up and grabbed my wallet, running to the nearest bank. I transferred 500000 won to my mother's bank account and went home. 'Looks like I have to work overtime and eat ramen the whole month.' I thought to myself. After showering, I went to sleep.

The rest of the week passed by slowly, with me repeating the same routine everyday sleep,eat and work. My mum would call almost everyday to ask for money, which stressed me out even more. With the finals getting closer, I got more stressed as I haven't been able to study more and also needed to rush everywhere, teaching iKON and my 2 bestfriends, going to work and skipping meals. I also decided that we would have our session outside at the park since Jun and Jae didn't want to go to Chan's house to study.

(Fast forward to 1 and half week left till finals, D-10)
I woke up today as usual, quickly dressed up and went to school. "Jina, what's with you? Why do you look so pale?" Jae asked, running over to me. "I'm a little stressed." I said with a smile. "Yah, take a break will ya?" He exclaimed. "Arraseo. Remember the tuition today at the park." I said running off to my locker.

During lunch, I got a text from Haeil.

Haeil: Jina, I won't be able to make it for work during your shift. I have to go study with my friends. Mian.

Jina: Oppa, it's okay, it's not even your shift so don't apologise, I can take over. Hwaiting! I wish you the best in your exam. :)

Haeil: Jeongmal Komawo. I'll make it up to you next time. Thank you for the cheer, I'll do well!

I read the last text and turned off my phone. Lunch was quiet today since most of the students went outside to eat and enjoy the scenery of the fallen autumn leaves, including Jun and Jae as they thought it was romantic. Once the bell rang, every stident rushed to class. I had career education class next so I reported to my class. (FINALLY A CLASS SCENE) Everyone was either talking to their seatmates or group of friends, while I sat in the corner reading a book. As soon as the teacher came in, everyone returned to their seats and greeted the teacher, Mrs. Go. "Good afternoon class, so today, we will be talking about your future. First things first, can we go around and say what you want to be when you become adults and why? Let's start with Yeri." Ms. Go said. "When I grow up, I want to be a housewife because then I won't need to work hard and I can do whatever I want. For my husband...I would preferably want to be Mrs. Jung." Yeri said. There were 'tsk's and 'oo's going around the class after Yeri said that sentence. " about you, Jung Chanwoo?" Mrs. Go pointed out. Chanwoo put down his pencil and stood up. "When I grow up I want to be a businessman because I want to succeed in my family." Chanu simply siad and sat down again. "That's very precise...ok, let's move on to the mext person. Park Jina?" She called once again. I stood up nervously " haven't thought much about it..I like to go where life takes me." I replied. "That's not a bad choice too..but it's better to be prepared." Ms. Go said with a smile. I bowed then sat down and continued daydreaming while staring outside. The rest of class went by boringly with Ms. Go giving the class tips on how to choose our jobs properly and blah blah blah. I wore one of my earpieces in my ear, facing away my teacher sexretly and listened to music the rest of the school hours.

Time passed by fast as I was too distracted by the music so class ended quickly. I reminded Jun and Jae about the session at the park today before going off to work. Halfway of doing my homework, I suddenly received a text from Jun.

Jun: Jiji, Mianhae, but Jae and I won't be able to make it for the session today. We agreed to have a date before the finals and today was the day. Sorry!

Jiji: Eish jinjja. You lovey-dovey couple, don't blame me when you fail your exams.

I sent with an annoyed face.

Jun: Arraseo, remember about the job tomorrow.

I sighed and put down my phone and continued with my homework. When the clock striked 6, I packed up my things and sat there waiting for Haeil to come and take the shift. "I'm here!" Haeil shouted as he entered the store. "Annyeong oppa!" I said, walking out of the store. I stopped by the cafe for some hot chocolate before going to the park and waiting for iKON to come. I was engrossed in my work that I didn't notice the time. I checked my phone and saw that it was already 7.30 but they haven't come yet. I saw them from afar strolling into the park, laughing away and that made my blood boil, but I kept a calm posture because I didn't want to cause a scene, it was a public place after all. "Oh sorry we are late, we had some things to take care of." Bobby said. I rolled my eyes and asked them to quickly take out their books. At about 8pm, I heard obnoxious laughters coming our way. "Oppa! What a coincidence, what are you doing here?" I heard Red Velvet say loudly. "We are having a study session." Donghyuk said. I made a cough sound and the girls turned theur heads to me. "" I heard Yeri say. "Anyways, can we join you guys? We have some questions too!" Joy exclaimed. Without an answer, they immediately pushed me to the side and sat down infront of the boys. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I got up and brushed the dirt iff my skirt before gathering my things and sitting on the table beside theirs. Not even looking, I could tell that they didn't even study one bit. The boys would crack jokes and the girls would laugh so loud that people in Japan could hear. I couldn't concentrate one bit so I had enough and slammed my hands on their table. "Can you concentrate on studying and stop laughing so loud?! It's annoying. And YOU stop cracking jokes and entertaining them." I said sternly as I pointed to Bobby and Hanbin. "What a funkiller." Yeri whispered. I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they would roll out and went back to my table. Soon, I heard someone sitting opposite me on the table. I looked up and saw Chanwoo studying seriously. "Oppa..." Yeri mumbled. "Aish, we'll come back next time. Let's go girls." Irene said as she left the table, the other girls following.

It soon reached 9pm and I packed my stuff and left after saying goodbye to the boys. Since it was autumn approaching winter, the sky becomes dark earlier, which is why I go back earlier. After reaching home, I did my night routine and went to sleep.

Troubles in life ~ JCW [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now