Chapter 12: Minami and Yazawa

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When the ash-haired woman finished her story, Nia could only look at a distance before speaking.

"I knew that kid was no good, but I didn't expect him to be this bad..." She said in a hushed voice.

Kaoru sighed, "exactly... To think I could actually trust that kid." She whispered while looking down to the ground.

Nia pats Kaoru's back as she whispers comforting words to her. "Hey... Don't worry about it... It wasn't your fault. And plus you're the Minami Kaoru, I'm sure you can plan something out!"

"Actually... I do have a plan." Kaoru smirked.

"I knew you would come up of something...! So... What's the plan?" The raven-haired woman smirked back.

"Well... Haru said that I told two people, Maria and you, about my secret, that means-"

"He doesn't know about Erio!" Nia cut Kaoru off before she could even finish her own sentence.

"Yes. I could get help from Erio, but I need you to do me a favor." She requested.

"Sure, but what is it?"

"When we were younger, you were always good at playing detective. You can find whoever you want with ease."

"So you want me to find someone?" Nia questioned sarcastically with one of her eyebrow up and hands on her hips.

Kaoru giggled, "well, that's the idea." She replied.

"Just so you know, my finding skills are a bit rusty so it might take a while," Nia added.

Kaoru only nodded.

"So, who exactly am I finding," Nia asked, taking a sip of her sixth tea. She sorta has a tea addiction, not that Kaoru could complain.

The ash-haired woman smirked.

"Tojo Nozomi and Tojo Yoshiko."



Maki opened her eyes to only see an unfamiliar bedroom. She looked around curiously, she saw three sleeping kids and a girl reading under a lamp. The said girl turned and saw Maki.

Cute, was the first thing Maki thought as soon as she saw the girl.

"Oh, you're awake," Nico whispered before standing up and walking towards the younger girl.

"Where am I?" Maki asked, trying to get rid of the blush that was currently forming.

"You're in the Yazawa household. Kaoru-san carried you here." Nico tried to explain. She held her hand out, which the younger girl eagerly took.

Nico guided her to another room. Maki stared at her confusedly. "So we wouldn't disturb the others." The red-eyed girl explained while the other girl nodded.



It was awkward since they had nothing to really talk about. Another minute passed and Nico decided to ease up the tension by introducing herself.

Nico cleared her throat, "the name's Yazawa Nico, by the way. But you can call me the number one idol in the universe!" She grinned while doing her signature hand move. Maki stared at the girl dumbfoundedly.

"Uh... Um, yeah. I'm Nishikino Maki." Maki held her hand out while looking away from the older girl.

Nico glared at her while she shook her hands. "Are you... blushing?" Nico squinted her eyes to see if the redhead was truly blushing.

"N-no I'm not!" Maki denied, still looking away from the girl.

Nico smirked. She then took the younger girl's cheek and turned her face to her way. Maki was indeed blushing, and now that she's facing Nico, she blushed harder.

"Why are you blushing?" Nico whispered gently with a teasing smile on her face. "Is it because you're talking to me? Well, worry not, Nishikino! For I will try not to intimidate you with my cuteness!" Nico exclaimed with a grin, her chest puffed out.

Maki stared dumbfoundedly, again. Then she began to stutter, "I-I-I'm not intimidated by you!" She shouted.

Nico was startled by the shout Maki had given her. "I see... " She smirked, "but you didn't deny about me being cute." Seeing Maki blush more means that Nico had hit the jackpot.

"W-well... You're not wrong..." Maki mumbled inaudibly.

Nico didn't seem to hear this since she was moving closer to Maki. "What was that? I didn't hear you well..." She questioned, cupping her ears and moving it closer to Maki.

Maki slowly backed up, and soon her back hit the wall. Noticing that the girl wasn't answering, Nico turned to face her. But when she did, her face was so close to Maki that she could feel the younger girl's breathing.

Nico's breathing went erratic, but she didn't know why. Unconsciously, the two girls moved their head closer. Their lips were brushing, eyelids were closed halfway. Their hearts were pounding.

"Hey, girls are you in here?" That's when the two women barged in the room.

Maki abruptly push Nico away. The older girl stumbled backward then fell but not before grabbing Maki's arm.

"Oh, my. Did we interrupt something?" Kaoru giggled at the scene in front of her.

The two girls were tangled on the floor with Maki being on top of Nico. The girls blushed at the comment Kaoru had made. Maki stuttered and stood up quickly, leaving Nico on the floor.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Maki yelled while blushing.

Nia chuckled as she helped her daughter up. She looked at the two blushing girls, then she turned her full attention to Maki. "You're Maria's daughter, right?" She asked.

Maki nodded slowly.

Nia chuckled once again. "Shy, just like your mother." A pause. "You know, when your mother and I were younger, we were the bests of friends," Nia grinned.

Maki stared at her in amusement. Nico did the same.

"We still are, but we haven't seen each other in a while... What I'm trying to say is." She chuckled sheepishly. "Will you be friends with Nico-chan so I could be friends with your mother again?" Nia questioned nervously.

Maki and Nico stared at her, bewildered. Maki was the first one to come to her senses. She didn't know what to say, so she nodded.

Nia smiled at her gently and stood up next to Kaoru. "Now then, it's getting quite late so why don't you two stay the night?" Nia offered.

The two visitors nodded. All of them left the room and got ready for bed. Nia looked at the frame on her shelf. She smiled affectionately. I the photo was her, Kaoru, a girl with red hair, and boy with blonde hair. They were all smiling at each other.

Nia took the picture out of the frame and turned the photo around. There were words written on it. She felt nostalgia at the words written.

"Best friends forever... "

"Minami Kaoru..."

"Yazawa Nia..."

"Nishikino Maria..."

And finally.

"Ayase Erio..."


So they're all connected, huh? I didn't think Kotori's past would be this long, but I guess I thought wrong.

A little NicoMaki meeting since it's my otp when I first got into Love Live. Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter! Bai~~~!

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