Susie x Badass! Darkener

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Requested By: WhitegalaxyAU

--Your Pov--

I stomped the paths trying to find anything fun to do. Yea the Dark world had its interesting moments and its. . interesting people but today was not one of those interesting days.  I stuffed my hands in my leather pockets and continued looking around, I boredly looked up spotting a candy tree and got closer, I lifted my hand up standing on my tippy toes when I heard voices from the other side, "Look! Stool forme!" I could hear a childish voice say, "... All you did was put your hands on the ground." a softer voice said "Hey, don't act so jealous." I heard a third, possibly tougher voice say.  I ignored the voices and continued reaching up to grab the last piece of dark candy, I stopped feeling your hand bump into another.  "Hey!" I heard the tougher voice yell, I snarled and stepped down to see who was trying to take the last piece.

"What do you think your doi-" They stopped seeing me, I scanned them and the ones behind her.   A.. Purple dinosaur.. I took note of her purple hair that covered her eyes and clothing she wore, I looked behind her to see a fluffy boy  in a green cloak and hat, a boy with blue skin and darker blue hair wearing some sort of armor (I'm calling Kris a guy just because of his name) and the Kings son, Lancer. I looked back at the purple girl and lighted up on my snarl, "Who are you." I stated flatly crossing my arms The fluffy boy stepped up and started speaking "Where the!-.. Lancer.. Fanboy. . Club. . . " He drug out the name a little ashamed of it, ( I'm picking this name because when I played this was the name I got) Lancer piped up, "Y/n!" I looked down at the little blue boy and sighed, "Lancer." I stated his name. His smile grew and looked at his "team" "These are my friends! Ralsei, Kris, and lastly Susie!" He grinned pointing to each one. Lancer leaned in closer to me pointing at Susie with his thumb, "She's a badass like you!" He whispered poorly 

I stifled a laugh and smirked slightly at Susie, making her give me a weird look. Susie shook her head and started to speak, "Anyways. That's our candy, go find your own." I smile quickly faded, going back to my usual snarl. "Fine. Take it." I huffed turning around to walk away,  

--No one's Pov--

Susie stood a little surprised by Y/n giving up so easily, her anger no where apparent on her face. She might of even felt a little.. hurt. She looked around and looked down at Lancer to see him a little sad she was leaving, "Wait!" Susie's voice echoed threw the forest, Y/n turned her head around still snarling "It's a.. A big piece, Maybe we can share..?" Ralsei's expression changed to being surprised by Susie's sudden kindness, "Wow Kris.! I think Susie might finally be learning how to be nice!" with Kris nodding in agreement.   Y/n's face lighted up but firmed her eyebrows to think if she was being nice or she was going to trick her, She unfolded her arms and started to walk closer a little unsure. The closer she got the more of Susie's face she could see, The more detail she could see. The hair that covered her eyes was moved slightly so Y/n could see the apologetic look in her eyes. For a seconded Y/n could feel something in her heart but ignored it, "You're.. serious?" Y/n asked stepping closer noticing the freckles on Susie's face. "Yes I'm serious! Don't make me regret saying anything." Y/n smirked  and looked at the piece, "Split it up for all of us?" Y/n asked, "Uh.. Yea.. Right." Susie left a sort of "trance" by shaking her head looking at the piece and breaking off a piece for each. Susie handed Lancer a piece "For me?" Lancer asked surprised, "Well yea. Haven't you had it before?" Susie asked Lancers smile faded away "Oh.. I mean, I'v always wondered what it's like.. But. . . I'm not aloud to pick it for myself.."  Susie and Y/n looked at Lancer a bit astonished, "Well.. Try it!" Y/n encouraged, They watched as Lancer started chewing on the candy before asking, "So? Whats it taste like?" Susie asked, "Yum yum yum! It tastes like friendship!" Lancer smiled, "What's that taste like. .?" She asked with a concerned face, "Hahaha! Like my teeth are disintegrating!" Susie and Y/n looked at each other before all three of them bursted out laughing "Haha, That's actually.. Bad. "

---Your Pov--  

I finished my dark candy and cleared my throat, "I'll uh. Be going." I started walking away but stopped "Thank you. ." I mumbled Susie smirked and breathed out a laugh, "What was that?" I put my hands back in my leather pockets and turned around a little more "Thank.. You." I still mumbled, "I'm sorry I still cant.. Quiiiite hear you." Susie teased "I stood up straight and looked into Susie's eyes, Or at least where I was guessing they were behind the hair. "I said Thank You!" I grumbled loudly, Susie started laughing "Alright, Alright. I heard you." I glared slightly at Susie before looking at the ground and slowly turning around to walk away, "Wait..! Y/n..! would you like to join our team..?" I looked back at Ralsei to see him smiling kindly, "Hah.. The "Lancer Fanboy Club..?" I thought for a second before saying "Pass." My eyes met Lancer's and saw how sad he was, I then looked at Susie and felt my face heat up for no reason. I caught myself off guard and shook my head, "Fine.. I'll Uh.. Join." Lancer jumped in joy and quickly hugged my leg "Hurray! Y/n Joins the Team!" "Y/n joined the party!" I quickly looked around startled wondering where the heck that music came from, I let out a sharp sigh and walked closer with the others Kris walked in front and we continued walking, I walked beside Susie taking a quick glance at her. She looked at me the exact same time I looked at her, meeting eye contact. I ignored it and just looked the opposite direction. We soon approached another puzzle to get threw before we can continue. (Lets pretend they're not at the castle yet) Ralsei and Kris tried to figure out the puzzle while Lancer tried helping but, wasn't much help.

Susie and I stood aside waiting since neither of us were to good at puzzles, We stood in silent leaning against a wall. To my surprise, Susie started making small conversation with me. I stayed silent at first until I realized she was actual making an effort to talk to me, I looked at her to see her hair parted so you could see her eyes again. I could feel my heart race increase when I looked at her, I was so confused. . why did I feel this way about. . a lightener.

We continued having small conversation when I said, "Hah.. Yea. Puzzles can just solve themselves, I mean I'm pretty tired of trying to solve their problems. They can figure it out on their own." I joked, which surprisingly made Susie laugh harder than expected. I chuckled to myself watching Susie hold her stomach from laughing, She stood back up wiping a tear away while finishing her laughter. "You know Y/n. . You aren't that bad." Susie said smiling at me, for the first time she looked to have an actual kind smile. Her freckled face seemed to be covered with a light blush, I looked away feeling myself starting to blush as well. "Uhm.. Y/n..?" Susie asked, I looked back up at her "Huh?-" I started before feeling her lips touch mine, A wave of surprise ran threw my body by the unexpected kiss.I leaned into the kiss caressing her cheek before she parted away put quickly looked away with a stern face, "I uh.. don't- don't expect that to happen again." Her face covered in a light pink, "You guys..! We got the puzzle.! Lets go!" Ralsei shouted smiling, Susie looked at me one last time and smiled before grabbing her ax that was leaning against the wall and started to follow the boys, with me soon following after.


Hey! sorry for not updating! I'v been changing my room so my computer was unplugged and I prefer typing on it instead, So I hope I can make it up with a longer chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Next will be another Susie x reader, And Thank you for being patient with my slow updating! I'll try my best to catch up with the recent requests! 

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