Chapter 45

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"...You've been out of contact for weeks, Laurel. You can't just go dark on the field like that!"

My team and I sat in Ozpin's office quietly as he spoke with Laurel.

"I apologize, Professor. I was on my way back when I was attacked. Luckily, Team STRQ took care of my attacker."

Ozpin sighed. "All that matters is that you're safe. For now, I would like for you to go to the vault and check on the relic."

Laurel nodded. "Of course. I'll be on my way then."

After she left, the room was silent for several minutes. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"So... you never mentioned anything about this relic," I said.

Ozpin shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"The relics are objects that possess incredible power. They are each located in a vault that only the specific maiden can access. I feared telling you about them until now because I thought it would only make your team uneasy."

Raven glared at him. "What do these relics do if they're so powerful?"

"They don't really do anything unless all of them are brought together. If someone were to get a hold of all four... then they could shape this world into whatever they wished. That's exactly what Salem wants. Which is why I've made sure the relics were somewhat hard to get to."

"So where are all the other relics located?" Raven asked.

"Raven... I don't think that's any of our business to—"

Before I could finish, Ozpin raised his hand and interrupted me.
"It's quite alright, Miss Rose. It was simply a question. The relic of choice of located here at Beacon. While the other three relics are located at the other three academies. The huntsmen academies don't only train huntsmen. They also serve to protect the relics."

"That's... pretty cool," I said. "These relics seem to be really important."

Ozpin nodded. "Which is why I'm doing my very best to protect them. As are the other headmasters."

"Is there anything else you wanted to let us know?" Qrow asked.

"Not at the moment. You four can return to your dorm now. And I ask that you please keep what you learned today secret."

I smiled. "Of course. If you ever need anything else from us, please let us know. We won't hesitate to help."

The four of us stood up from our seats and left Ozpin's office. None of us really said anything until we arrived back in our dorm. Raven seemed to be restless as she paced back and forth.

"Um... are you okay?" I asked.

Raven glared at me. "I'm fine. I... just need some time to think."

With that, Raven swiftly left the room. Tai looked over at the door.

"She looked pretty stressed. Should one of us go after her?"

I shook my head. "No. I think she just needs some time alone right now. She'll come back eventually. Like she always does."

"I guess so. We should head to bed. It's getting kinda dark outside and we all have class tomorrow."

"I'm fine with going to sleep. Today has been long enough. Hopefully Raven comes back by tomorrow," Qrow replied.

"I hope so, too. I can't help but worry about her... What if she ran away?" I asked.

"She's not the type of person to just run away like that, Summer."

"I really hope you're right," I whispered.

Qrow walked over to me and kissed me gently.

"She'll be back tomorrow. For now, let's focus on getting some rest."

I laid down beside him and he wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head against his chest and closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes again it was morning. The sun was barely shining through the windows. Qrow was already awake talking with Tai.

"...She still hasn't returned yet?" I heard Qrow ask.

"No. She left her scroll here, so there's no way for me to contact her."

I got out of bed and walked over to them.
"Raven hasn't come back yet?"

"No. I'm thinking about turning into my corvid form and looking for her. I could use my telepathic powers to try to contact her," Qrow suggested.

"If she isn't back by sometime tomorrow, we'll go looking for her. I know you two are worried about Raven. I am too. But I think it's best to give her a little more space."

Tai looked like he was about to protest, but he remained quiet.

"Class starts in about fifteen minutes. I guess I'll just have to go without Raven," Qrow said.

"I'll make sure she gets caught up on her work when she gets back," Tai said.

I got ready quickly and walked towards the door.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have class to get to. I don't want to be late. I'll see you both later," I said, rushing out the door.

I walked into class and took my usual place. It wasn't the same without Raven. I had no one to talk to...

Class passed by slowly. I was ready to drift off when the door opened suddenly. I looked up and saw Raven in the doorway.

"Good for you to join us, Miss Branwen. Even though half of the class has already passed. I would advise you to be more punctual next time," the professor said.

Raven just glared at her. "Whatever."

I watched as Raven walked to her usual seat next to mine. She looked extremely tired and stressed.

"Raven, you've been gone all night! Are you okay?" I asked.

Raven glared at me. "I'm fine. Don't talk to me."

I stared at her. I never saw her act so distant before. She would have her moments, but she usually returned to her normal self.

"If there's anything you want to talk about, you know you can always—"

Raven slammed her fists into her desk. "I told you... to not talk to me!" she yelled.

A few students turned to look our way.

"Um... I'm sorry," I whispered to them.

They turned around and class went on as normal. Just before class ended, the girl that sat behind me started talking a little louder than usual. I didn't know her name, but Raven and I were used to her talking during class. I tuned her out easily, but I could tell Raven was having trouble.

Raven turned around towards the girl and glared at her.
"Would you stop talking?" she snapped.

The girl stopped for a short while, but then started to talk again.

Raven clenched her hands into fists and her eyes flashed with anger. I could tell she was ready to snap. Before I could calm her, she abruptly stood from her seat and turned to face the girl again.

"Raven, don't!" I cried.

I watched in horror as she walked up and grabbed the girl's hair.

"I told you to SHUT UP!" Raven screamed as she slammed the girl's head into her desk.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now