Chapter 40

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Hello everyone. Just a quick author's note before the chapter. This chapter contains a death scene and some gore. If you're uncomfortable with that, then I suggest you just skip this chapter. That's pretty much all I have to say. Enjoy the chapter!

My eyes opened and I saw endless amounts of trees. I looked around my surroundings and saw the entrance to Emerald Forest, the place where initiation took place. I was confused as to why I was here.

"Summer," a voice said.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Raven kneeling next to something. As I walked closer to her, I saw that she was kneeling next to a girl. Her green outfit was easily recognizable.

"Gretchen," I whispered. "What happened here?"

Raven didn't reply as she was inspecting Gretchen's wounds. She had a deep gash on her abdomen that was gushing blood onto the grass. Her breathing was short and shallow and her face was covered in cuts. She was conscious, but she didn't seem to be focusing on anything. Her eyes had a glossy faraway look to them.

Everything went black for a brief moment before my eyes opened again. I was back in my dorm. The morning light was just shining through the windows. I couldn't help but feel a bit panicked. I felt Qrow stir next to me.

"You okay?" I heard him ask in a tired voice.

Through shaky breaths, I managed to answer.
"I... think I had another vision."

Qrow sat up. "Really? About who?"

"Gretchen. She was badly wounded."

"I'm sure the girl is fine. She's attending Beacon, so she must be able to take care of herself, right?" I heard Raven say.

I glared at her. "Still... I want to help her. That's why I'm attending this school. So I can help people."

"Whatever. Do whatever you want. I'm going back to bed."

Raven was snoring in a matter of minutes. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed.

"Where are you doing?" Qrow asked.

"Just going for a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure. Let me get ready."

After Qrow got himself looking decent, we walked outside of the dormitory.

"I don't know how you wake up this early," Qrow said, yawning.

"I've always been a morning person. The early bird gets the worm, right?"

Qrow chuckled. "I guess so."

I was about to reply when my scroll started to ring.
"Who could be calling me this early?" I asked.

"Maybe Ozpin?" Qrow suggested.

I took out my scroll and saw the caller ID. It wasn't Ozpin... it was Gretchen. I suddenly had an awful feeling in my stomach. With a shaky hand, I pressed the button to answer.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Summer! It's Nico! We need help!"

"Nico? What are you doing with Gretchen's scroll? What's going on?" I demanded,
starting to panic.

"Ozpin sent us to deal with a small pack of Grimm in Emerald Forest. I don't really know what happened but... it's Gretchen. She..."

"I'll be right there. Try to hold off the Grimm. And have the rest of team GRNN look after Gretchen until I arrive. Think you can do that?"

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now