Chapter 24

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Tai followed close behind as I followed Raven and Qrow, trying not to get noticed. My plan failed as soon as I reached the door to Ozpin's office. Raven's hand froze just as she was about to press the buzzer.

"...Summer. I know you're behind us. You can quit trying to sneak around," she said.

"How did you know?" Tai asked.

"You didn't exactly keep quiet. I could hear you behind me," she replied, pressing the buzzer.

"Why'd you follow us?" Qrow asked.

"I... I wanted to see this magic for myself," I admitted.

"We weren't sure if Ozpin would let us, so we tried to sneak our way in. That didn't turn out too well," Tai said.

Qrow shrugged. "Maybe Ozpin will allow you to watch. The most intense part is over from what I understand."

I heard Ozpin's voice from the other side.

"Come in."

We followed Raven and Qrow inside quietly. Ozpin's face was a mixture of surprise and shock as he noticed us.

"You didn't tell me your teammates were coming today," he said.

Raven sighed. "They followed us here."

"We didn't think you would mind," I added.

"It would've been nice to have said something to me beforehand, but I suppose you two could stay and watch the training."

"Thank you, Professor," I replied.

Ozpin rose to from his chair and walked in front of us.

"Let's get started. Raven... Qrow, please step forward."

Raven and Qrow stepped forward slowly.

"So... how does the magic work?" Raven

"I've made the process quite simple. Just focus your mind and body. That should trigger the magical essence."

"Sounds easy enough," Qrow said.

Raven glared at Ozpin. "And you're sure this'll work?"

Ozpin nodded. "It should."

I watched as Qrow and Raven became quiet. At first, nothing happened. Then a sudden flash of light appeared. I didn't see my two teammates anymore. I saw a Raven and Crow in the place of them perched on the floor.

"Woah... I can't believe it worked," Tai said in complete awe.

I stood there speechless.

"...Impressive. It seems you two are picking up on this faster than I thought. It looks like your training can begin sooner than I had planned, Summer," Ozpin said.

That was easier than I thought it would be.

I gasped. I could hear Qrow's voice in my
head! I glanced at Tai and saw that he had the same shocked expression a I did.

"How... how did Qrow do that? I heard his voice in my mind!" Tai exclaimed.

Ozpin smiled a bit. "I may have... added telepathy as a nice benefit."

Of course you did, Raven snapped.

"That's... so cool!" I said.

"The telepathy is limited to you four. If Raven and Qrow try telepathy on someone else, it won't work. I thought it was for the best if we're keeping this to ourselves," Ozpin explained.

"That's a good idea," Tai said.

Raven and Qrow took off flying around the room for a few seconds. Qrow landed on my shoulder and Raven landed on Tai's arm.

Okay... the flying is really cool, Raven admitted.

Qrow nuzzled my cheek lightly before taking in flight again. I saw the same flash of light as earlier. In a span of a few seconds, Qrow was back to his regular human form.

"Ta da," he said.

Raven turned back into her human form as well. She seemed a little out of breath and she was sweating a bit.

"Raven, are you okay?" Tai asked, concerned.

"Yeah," she said a little breathlessly, "just... a little tired.

"Do you think we could take Raven back to our dorm, Professor?" I asked. "This training seems to have taken a bit of a toll on her."

Ozpin nodded. "Of course. We'll continue this another day. Since you both seem to be getting the magic in control faster than I thought you would, I think the training will take a much shorter amount of time. Have a nice day, team STRQ."

We left Ozpin's office quietly and walked back to our dorm. Raven laid down on her bed as soon as she walked through the door.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She sighed. "Tired. My body hurts a lot."

"You'll get used to this magic, Raven.
Hopefully this fatigue and pain will go away once you got it under control," I replied.

"I hope so. It seems my brother is handling this a lot better than I am."

"I have to admit... the added telepathy is really cool," I said.

Raven smiled a little. "Yeah. It is. We can always communicate with each other no matter how far away we are."

"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll let you rest now. Just don't sleep too much, or you'll end up staying awake all night."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I can sleep as much as I want."

I sighed and waked over to Qrow.

"How is she?" he asked.

"She's fine. She's going to sleep for a bit. Hopefully her pain will cease once she has her magic under control."

Qrow nodded. "Me too. I find it weird that she's experiencing pain and I'm not. Do you think something's off?"

I shook my head. "No. It's probably just a weird side effect."

I started walking toward the door to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the library. I'm going to see if I can find any books on silver eyes."

"Can I come with you? I'm curious too."

I smiled. "Sure."

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now