Chapter 1

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When I woke up the next morning around seven, I glanced around the room a bit, wondering if the events from last night had been a dream. The bags that were packed leaned against the wall near my door, confirming that I really had met Ozpin, and he really did invite me to Beacon.

I got out of bed and stretched a bit. The place where I was staying was quiet, except the chirp of a bird here and there. I had lived on my own for while. My father died when I was young. Similarly I lost my mother around twelve. Someone told me that she had died on a mission, but never gave much detail on what it was. I didn't have any other family nearby, so I started working small part time jobs to earn some money. And eventually found a little apartment that had fairly cheap rent. The place was kind of small, but I was alone, so that wasn't a big issue for me. I've stayed there ever since.

Snapping out of my trance, I looked at the clock that hung on my wall above my bed. It was a quarter past seven. If I left now, I could catch the ferry and make to Beacon early. Quickly, I grabbed my bags and headed out the door and arrived at the ferry around seven-thirty. I bought a ticket and boarded the ferry quietly. I found a seat where there were not too many people, and trip wasn't that long. Patch was just a few miles away from Vale. Once the ferry arrive on shore, I got off and glanced around.

"There has to be a train around here somewhere," I said to myself.

After walking around for a bit, I spotted the train station in the distance. Using my semblance, I gained speed and started to run. After weaving through a few people, I stopped just in front of the entrance.

"Jeez, where'd you come from?" a voice asked.

I turned to see a tall man beside me. His hair was pitch black and his eyes were crimson red. Beside him, stood a girl. She looked similar with the same black hair and crimson eyes.

"I ran here," I replied. "I don't want to be late for the entrance exam."

"So you're headed to Beacon too, huh? What's your name?" he asked.

"Um... I'm Summer. Summer Rose."

"The name's Qrow. This is my sister, Raven," he said, gesturing toward the girl standing beside him.

Raven and I made eye contact for a brief moment before she glared at me and looked away sharply.

"I thought I explained to you that we weren't here to make friends," she hissed at Qrow. "That's not why we're attending this school."

Qrow glared at her. "What's wrong with it? Summer seems nice."

Raven sighed, but didn't say anything else.

"Sorry about that. Raven is a bit... standoffish to say the least."

"That's okay. I'm not much of a people person either. Um... since we're all headed to Beacon how about we go together?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Qrow replied.

We bought our tickets and boarded the train. I took a seat across from Qrow and Raven. We were quiet for a few minutes.

"So... where are you two from?" I asked.

Qrow and Raven looked at each other before Raven answered.

"We're not really from anywhere. We lived with our tribe, so we move around a lot," Qrow replied.

I noticed that Qrow had pulled out a metal flask and started to drink from it. The strong odor of whiskey filled my nose.

"Are you... drinking alcohol?" I asked.

"Yeah. What's the problem?"

"Aren't you a little young? You don't look much older than me," I replied.

"Hey, I need to prepare for my exam somehow. And last time I checked, you're not my mother." he said, taking a drink.

"Suit yourself," I said, staring out the window.

"How are you going to Beacon anyway? You look a little too young," Raven said.

"Ozpin invited me. I still had a year left at Signal, but he said I was ready. There was no way I was going to miss the opportunity. Why are you two going to Beacon? Are you hoping be to huntsmen too?"

"I guess you could say that," Qrow said.

As the train came to a stop, I saw Beacon in the distance. It was bigger than I had anticipated.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Summer," Qrow said.

"Likewise. I hope we end up on the same team together," I said.

"Come on Qrow," Raven said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward the exit of the train.

I watched them walk toward the entrance of Beacon before getting off the train myself.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered, walking toward entrance.

STRQ (A RWBY fanfiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now