Chapter 5

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Y/N's POV:

"You need to explain everything" Kevin said as he sat me down on his couch next to Jaden

"What's there to explain?" I asked with a laugh

"Y/n we saw the way you two acted. Don't tell us nothing happened" Kevin said

"What do you want me to say?" I asked with a laugh

"Hmm for starters it looks like she wanted to murder Stacy" he said "and oh yea she fucking grinded on you"

"Very true I saw with my own eyes" jaden said

"She was helping me get rid of Stacy" I said

"Trust me Stacy got the message" jaden said

"Alright what did you guys do after you left?" Kevin asked

"We got some food then went to the beach" I said

"What happened at the beach?" he added

"We just ate" I said

"Yea each other" jaden added making Kevin laugh

"The only things we talked about were why I have my helmet, if I was gay, and why I don't have a girlfriend" I said

"Wait you told her about your helmet?" Kevin asked shocked and I nodded

"Woah then this is serious" he added "okay did you find out if she was gay?"

"Guys she's straight-"

"Bullshit" jaden said "I was with her during the concert. The way she looked at you perform-" he trailed off trying to find words "it was the exact way I look at Kevin"

"Yea her gaydar was going way off" Kevin said "you're gay, how do you not sense it?"

"Because im a gay that doesn't get their hopes up" I said

"God you're such a dumbass" Kevin said "take her out again" he added


"I said take her out again. She wants you to make a move y/n" he said

"Why do I have to make a move?" I asked

"She probably wants you to make the next move. You said she likes 50/50 energy. Checkmate its your turn" jaden said  "she wants you"

"I don't know" I mumbled

Before anyone could say anything my phone started ringing

I looked down and there was her name popping on the screen

The two boys cheered and I rolled my eyes

"Okay okay answer it" the two whispered

I shut them up and answered the call putting her on speaker

"Hello" I answered

"Hey you" she said

"Hey" I responded

"How'd you sleep?" She asked me

"Pretty good, how about you?" I asked

"Amazing" she replied

"Ask her what she's doing later" Kevin whispered and I shushed him

"Yea. I had a lot of fun yesterday" she said "thanks for inviting me"

"It was no problem I had fun too" i said

"Ask her" jaden whispered and I sighed

"Hey are you doing anything today?" I asked closing my eyes

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now