Chapter 9

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(A/n: Very long chapter because you guys were so patient and deserve it <3)

Y/N's POV:

I tapped on the front counter anxiously as I looked over at the time on the clock

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I saw that it was barely 1 pm

Time was passing by agonizingly slow

I was off at 4 today and that meant I had time to go home and prep myself before seeing Camila again tonight

To say I was nervous was an absolute understatement. We were finally going to be intimate

Well as intimate to a certain extent. That being my fault

But not going all the way meant my pleasuring in other ways had to be absolutely mind blowing

I can't disappoint her

I felt like a virgin who was about to lose their virginity for the first time

She seems like she's expecting some out of this world sex from me. And considering I have some competition I literally have to be fucking amazing

I shook out of my nervous thoughts as I made myself busy by doing my job as I should've been in the first place

I stocked shelves, helped customers, cleaned up a little, and handled the cash register

Before I knew it I was off of the clock. I ran to my locker in the back and grabbed my things out and clocked out so fast

I barely heard what my coworkers respond to me after I said "bye" to them because I ran out the door so fast

I unchained my bike in a hurry and raced my way home

Once I was home I showered just to be nice and clean. I got dressed, it was casual but I put my leather jacket on and that's what brought the outfit together

I brushed my teeth like five times and once I felt like I was finally ready I made my way out

Instead of taking my bike tonight I decided to order an Uber since I would probably be leaving her house very late in the night or very early in the morning

I had it drop me off at the store near her apartment as I went to buy a bottle of wine and some flowers and chocolates for the lovely lady



However my parents taught me to never show up to someone's house empty handed. Even if it was just something small

And well this girl is a hopeless romantic at heart I'm sure she's a sucker for these things

My entire walk to her building my legs felt like jello and my anxiety was rising so high.

My leg shook due to a nervous habit I had as I was in the elevator making my way up

As soon as the doors open and I made my way down the hall. I stopped in front of her door

Taking a very deep breath and shaking my nerves out a bit before I finally got the courage to knock on the door

It only took three knocks and less than 45 seconds for the door to swing open

On the other side appeared the small beautiful brunette

Her eyes sparkling and a wide smile spreading across her face

"Hey you" she said as she quickly threw her arms around my neck for a hug

"Hi" I said smiling. Inhaling her scent that I was becoming fond of

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora