Chapter 17

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Y/N's POV:

Things with Camila could not be better at the moment

The night after Stella's birthday she made me come over her place where she did not let me leave for like three days

I even told her how I felt like I was spending too much time there and she insisted that I stayed

She had said that we had a lot of making up to do. She made us cuddle, watch movies, cook together, go to target or other random stores

But 70 percent of the time was physical activity. We still haven't gone all the way. I tried to many times and she said the moment wasn't there yet. I guess now we were just waiting until she decided she was ready.

She did however love the hell out of teasing me. Which is something we've been knowing, but now that she had a little bit more access to me she kept edging me til I was blue. She was evil.

Although my times with her were freaky and erotic there's a sudden strong sense of passion. Ever since that night in the club there's just something more special about the way we touch

I had an idea of what it could be but I didn't want to be delusional

I was already convinced that I was down horrendously bad for her. But a part of me still kept my heart locked. I just wasn't fully ready to give my heart to her

Knowing that she still had two other men that she has feelings for really prevents me from letting myself fall completely. I'm still cautious about what I am doing

I would wait for her first to tell me if she felt something stronger towards me in order to let myself fully dive in.

We were almost over the first obstacle which was trusting her with my body. I basically already did but it was her who was making us wait now.

I don't know what she was suddenly waiting on? She was so eager before for me to give in and go all the way but now she barely even wants my dick anywhere near her pussy

There's been a few instances where she just can't resist the grinding and rubbing but other than that she tries to keep our privates away from each other

I've asked her why and she just keeps telling me she's waiting for that right time. Who knows when it'll come?!?

After we get over that and if she can admit clearly that she has feelings for me instead of twisting her words then only then can I feel safe to do the same

In the mean time I am keeping my options open. I've talked to the girl I met at the club a few times. I didn't expect something to evolve further with her though.

If she wanted to start hooking up I wasn't sure if I would fully be up for it. I know for sure I wouldn't give her the affection or trust that I gave Camila

But a part of me had felt tempted to hop back on to the dating apps. Just for sexual reasons. Maybe I should have my own side pieces. Camila was not going to be with me all the time.

As it is tonight she can't be with me because she's going to be with someone else after she's done working

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone

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