Chapter 21

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I see you guys missed me 🤭

Y/N's POV:

The summer music festival was finally here. The one thing I had been looking forward to all year and it was tainted with all of the drama and emotions caused by a certain girl.

Why did this have to happen to me?

We were halfway into the first day of the festival. Some of my friends and I split up throughout the day to each watch bands and artists that we wanted to see. We would all come together at the end to watch the headliner of the night. For now it was basically a free for all since set times were different and scattered.

I hadn't talked to Camila since last night at the bar. A thick tension had definitely been built between us.

I saw her a few times today. The first was when we got to the festival grounds and met up with her and her new crowd of friends with Austin

Camila's friends tagged along with her as their names were on her list roll and they needed to get their Festival passes.

Since Camila was a celebrity and her friends and the crowd she was with were all rich basically they had VIP passes

While my normal friends and I had boughten the general admission packages. It didn't matter to us. We still made the very best of it.

We saw them a couple of times while we were in the general admission crowd. Only a barricade keeping the crowds divided

She danced and sang with Austin like she was having the time of her life. It was only until she noticed I was around that she would lower her energy with him.

Her friends were right. She definitely had feelings for him too. In the few times that I caught her with him she had the same sparkly eyes that she gave me

It drove me insane that he probably meant so much to her as well.

The fear of Austin asking her to be his girlfriend ate me up since he told me. I fear she wouldn't say no.

The worst part about it is that he seemed like genuinely good guy.

She held his hand throughout the entire festival as they walked around the big grassy area

Pulling myself out of my thoughts when Maria shoved me playfully singing in my face and making me dance and sing along with her which I carried on to do

My friends could tell that I would zone out. They knew what I was thinking about. They were upset that I was here at something we all looked forward to but I was too busy thinking about her

They got me out of my funk at times. And I did enjoy myself. But the slight glimpses of her were the cause of me zoning out at times

I had also seen Sabrina a few times. She was also with her own friends. There was also a little tension between us but ours was more innocent rather than toxic. I could tell she got shy around me

We texted each other a few times since we shared intimate photos with each other

Our texting had gotten flirtier but she was bolder over the phone than in person.

The few times that we met up together she would barely look at me. She blushed when we hugged and she sort of hid behind her friends. I could tell I made her nervous

Which I found extremely adorable.

But it also confused me because I feel like I'm the least intimidating person in the world.

I'm shy and quiet as it is. No talking was really happening between us in person at the moment that wasn't platonic.

We had discussed that since we both had different artists that we wanted to see today that we would do our own separate things with our friends.

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now