Chapter 14

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Not sure if you guys will like this chapter or not 🫢

Y/N's POV:
I sighed as I looked down at my phone for the hundredth time today. Still nothing.

She still hadn't responded to any of my messages or reached out to me

It's not like I sent her a bunch. Just a goodnight and good morning from last night and this morning

She usually at least gives them a like but nothing at all

She posted on her story, I know she's on her phone. She's choosing to ignore me

It was whatever. She wasn't my girlfriend I didn't need to stress over this

Even though I low key did

I searched her name on twitter and saw her fans spreading some paparazzi pics taken of her having dinner with some guy that I've seen her with one time before


@/CabellosLove: @/cabeyo_c I KNOW A WALK OF SHAME WHEN I SEE IT 👀👀

I exited the app and closed my phone. I could not let something like this get to me. I didn't want to know anything about him or who he was. It would just drive me insane

I was going to hang out with my friends today anyways. I needed to forget her just for today at least

My friends and I decided to go to a baseball game today. I usually enjoyed games and got into it. My friends and I would get our drinks and enjoy the atmosphere of being around sports fans and listening to the organ player play or do the occasional wave. Eat hot dogs, nachos, or get ice cream

But I was not so into today. I've always been a quiet person but when it came to games I would could be a little loud. Yelling when a player did an error or cheering when they did a home run but today I was silent just staring out at the green field

"Y/n what's wrong?" Maria asked me as she offered me some of her popcorn

I kindly rejected and and shook my head "nothing"

"They are winning 5-1 and you look like we're the ones losing" she said

"I'm just daydreaming" I said smiling at her

"About a certain pop star?" She asked teasing me

"No not at all" I said and I could tell she didn't believe me

"Well if you need to talk you know I'm here" she said and I smiled and thanked her

I could see Stacy listening and watching us from the corner of her eye as she was sitting next to Maria

I just sighed and tried to pay attention to the game.

An hour passed and I still was too quiet, while my friends were fired up screaming profanities at the players and the game

Maria had gotten up to go get another drink so the seat next to me was free

"Hey" Stacy called me and I looked over to her

"Come with me" she said grabbing my hand and I shook my head

"Im okay here-"

"Y/n I'm not taking no for an answer" she said smiling at me and I sighed but gave in and got up to follow her

We made our way up the stairs out of the stands to the concessions area

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें