Chapter 26

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Y/N's POV:

I was sitting across from Camila as we were sitting at a restaurant. We decided to get dinner together.

Well she decided as she randomly picked me up after my shift at work surprising me. But how could I deny her?

She brought me to some restaurant I'd never been to. It seemed a little fancy, nothing too over the top just a little boujee. Something I wasn't really used to but she told me she really enjoyed the food from here.

Camila was scrolling on her phone as we fell into a comfortable silence. I just looked around the place or out the window mindlessly tapping my fingers along to the sound of the faint music playing through the speakers as we waited for out food to arrive.

It had been a week and a half since the last day of the festival. Time was flying by faster than we thought so we decided to extend our time for Camila to decide her feelings from weeks to months. We felt like weeks was just too short of time. But regardless things between Camila and I had actually been great.

It was like we were a couple but not officially. There was still something keeping us in the way of that perfect ending but I always brushed it off.

The day after we had sex she and her friends had left before my friends and I did. There was weird energy between my friends. Especially because I still picked her regardless of everything. They didn't say anything and played it nice with her. Camila's friends still oblivious without a clue that we were hooking up.

Stacy was flat out hungover all day so her and Camila didn't cross paths as she stayed in bed. I wasn't sure if she remembered what happened or not.

When Camila and her friends had left the rented house Kevin broke the tension with a sly comment on how Camila and I had the "after sex glow" and soon after my friends bombarded me with questions and scolded me a little until I eventually told them to back off and just leave me alone when it came to Camila and our relationship.

I was no longer going to talk to them about my private life with her because all they did was make a big deal out of it. If I get hurt it's on me and I will have to deal with it.

Sometimes when I felt like it was going too far I backed myself up a little. I wanted her to fall completely in love with me but I also tried to protect myself.

Whenever she did things that were just a little bit too much girlfriend energy I had to remind myself to relax.

We've had sex almost every day since the first time. I'd like to tease that she couldn't get enough but I couldn't resist her either.

Sometimes we'd go at it for hours at night other times just once at night but then the next morning she wouldn't let me leave her house without our bodies saying goodbye to each other.

That of course was when I did spend the night. Although I hated the idea, I told her that maybe it was best I leave after we fucked and she actually agreed with me.

She told me she didn't mind me spending the night and that she actually really preferred that I did but she also understood that if we were going to still just be friends with benefits only that maybe we should be more cautious

Of course now I didn't have any other competition from her list. Just the one other person but she doesn't see them in person as much as she sees me

A part of me also loved spending the night with her because I never liked going home. I was having some home and family problems and it was just agony. I hated it.

Now that I was home more often my moods were always worse. I barely got any sleep. Especially when I missed laying next to Camila. I slept so well when I was with her. I had so many sleepless nights. But I always tried to keep a smile on my face whenever I was with her.

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