Chapter 29

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Y/N's POV:

My heart pounded as Camila went to open the door

Even though we weren't anything official it was a big deal to me.

I'm very old fashioned I think it's due to the way that I was brought up.

Since I wasn't a normal girl my parents raised me in a way that was more boyish. It was a mix of both genders really. My dad mainly raised me to essentially be a gentleman since he knew before my mother could tell that I was automatically interested in women

I was always taught to be respectful to women and treat them right. And when it came to adults to always be on my best behavior. Of course unless they don't deserve respect if they are shitty people.

I've never actually met the parents of the women I've dated. I only know Stacy's because we were friends before anything happened between us.

Since Camila was the girl I essentially loved I desperately wanted to make a good impression. Even if I was just being introduced as simply a friend.

She opened the door and I saw the big man that was her father

"Hi papi" she said hugging him and he wrapped his arms around his daughter

Oh god I felt like vomiting as I remembered she was actually someone's daughter.

Sir I am so sorry for all of the things that I have done to your little girl...

Especially just a few moments ago

I shook out of my thoughts when they turned to me

"Dad this is my friend Y/n that I was telling you about" she said and I smiled nervously

"Hi nice to meet you Y/n" he said with his accent sticking out his hand

"Hi nice to meet you" I said nervously shaking his hand

Camila looking like she wanted to laugh at me

"I left it in the truck. It's a little heavy maybe I can ask a worker at the front desk to help-" he said

"Y/n's really strong dad. I think she can help" Camila cut him off

Girl just because you're light as a feather and can carry you with one arm doesn't mean I am the hulk-

"Okay. Vamos Y/n" he said and I nodded as I followed behind him 
(let's go)

I turned to look at Camila and she had a playful smile on her face

I expected her to come along but was shocked when I was left alone with him

We got into the elevator and I stood there awkwardly

"So Camila told me you work in a record shop?" He asked

"Oh yea I do" I said

"I assume that you collect as well, hence the table stand for your player" he said

"Yea. I kind of got the hobby from my own father" I said "he collects and he gave me my first few records then I just never stopped"

"What does your father do?" He asked

"He's actually a music journalist. He works in Seattle but travels often to different concerts and tours to interview artists" I said

"Oh that's really interesting" he said

"Yea. He's really old school though. He won't do the video calls, he likes to visit musicians on their actual tour like he's done ever since he started his career" I said

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