Chapter 40

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Y/N's POV:

I let out a sigh of relief seeing the clock strike 6 PM.

I was finishing my shift at the record shop. I still hadn't quit yet because it was good extra pay on the side. I didn't work here as much I used to I only work some days. They were able to hire some new kid to basically take over my old position but the owner still loved me so he basically let me work whenever I wanted.

It had been a few days since our Paris trip. The day after we arrived I basically slept all day and tried fixing my sleeping schedule.

The day after that was spent working back with Sabrina and her team as we were going over everything that was planned for the album release coming up

Camila was back to being busy and working hard on various projects.

I actually hadn't heard much from her. I felt like she was avoiding me for some reason.

Today she said she was busy doing a photoshoot for one of the brands she was partnered with

I clocked out and closed my locker. I said bye to some coworkers and headed out towards my motorcycle.

Before I made my way home I decided to stop by Camila's place because I had a few of her items that she stuffed into my suitcase because hers was so full.

She said that she'd just pick them up later but she lived just up the street from the record store so I figured I'd just stop by to give her the things now

Even though she wasn't home I just figured I'd leave the bag of things behind the plant pot she has in front of her door

When I stepped up to her door to try and discreetly hide the bag behind the pot I heard noises of movement coming from behind the door. As well as music playing

Was she home already?

I knocked on the door because I grew curious but also because if she was already home I could just give it to her in her hands

It took a few knocks and a moment for me to hear the music be lowered then the handle jiggled and the door swung open

Expecting to see my brown eyed beauty

When it fully opened I saw brown eyes

But they weren't my girls eyes

I was so shocked at what I saw that I took a step back when I recognized who it was

Shawn Mendes....

I just stared at him speechless blinking my eyes a few times. Making sure I wasn't hallucinating. I didn't even hear what he said the first time

"M-my b-bad what?" I mumbled stuttering

"Hi can I help you?" He asked as politely as he could

"Uh y-yea I was looking for Camila" I said

"Oh she's not home at the moment she's working, can I ask who's looking for her?" He asked

He doesn't know who I am

My heart was beating so fast. I felt like my body was going numb and like I was going to collapse from how weak I was getting

My heart was racing fast and my anxiety was growing. It wasn't due to fear though, it was due to anger and frustration. I wanted to jump this guy on the spot

Why the hell was he at my girlfriend's house when she wasn't even home?

"Uh I'm just a friend, I was d-dropping this off" I said lifting the bag

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now