Chapter 8

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I moaned while kissing jughead. He grabbed my butt and I started to kiss his neck . I pulled away and i looked at him . We were so drunk . He then looked at me and kissed me . But then..."I'm sorry Betty I can't do this , I with Cheryl and I love her , that was a mistake ." I looked at him and smirked "meet me in the bathroom in 5 ... we need to talk " I said to him and he gave me a confused look . I walked away and I sat next to Veronica and I talk to her a little bit . After a few minutes I said "sorry v I have to go to the bathroom" I said leaving . I went to the bathroom and trie to opened the door , but it was lock . I knock on the door and it opened . Happily it was jughead . I smirked and I noticed that he was looking at my butt while I was passing next to him . He closed to door and locked it . I smiled and got closer to him . He looked down at me . Uhh he is so handsome. I slammed him into the bathroom door and I started to undo his pants . when he realized what I was doing , he said "woah woah woah I have a boyfriend! " he said and I laughed ... he was wayyyyyyy to drunk . "Well does it look like I care . " he looked at me with an "seriously" look . I bit my bottom lip and I continue to undo his pants while sucking his neck . When is pants and boxers were down . I knelt myself while looking at him . I started to gave him an handjob and he moaned , with my only hand left, I covered his mouth. I then started to suck him and then she it and he brushed his hands trough my hair , he was guiding me .he grunted and moaned , until we heard a knock on the door , it was Veronica . "Betty are you in here ? " I then said "um yes I am ! " I respond "are you okay?" She asked me "yeah don't worry " ok bye ... oh wait ! Have you seen Jughead? I can't find him anywhere ." I looked up at jughead with a panic look . He beckoned me to say no ." No I haven't seen him sorry v " I respond smiling at jughead "okay " Veronica said leaving . I was about to continue but jughead said " you need to stop , it's a big mistake" I looked at him with an angry look and I slapped him on the cheek . I leaved him


When Betty slapped me , it just reminded me a scene with my dad . One day he came back from the bar crazy drunk and I was brushing my teeth only in night pants (grey joggings) and the bathroom door was opened . He walked in the bathroom ( the one that I'm in right now ) and slapped my the exact same way Betty did but harder . I didn't fell but I had enough . I slapped him back . He looked at me with a devil look. I knew that I've made a mistake, but it was too late . My mother was downstairs and Ronnie was in her room next to the bathroom. But then my dad broke the mirror by slamming my head into it , I fell on the ground . I was crying , and then he yelled at me saying "only girls cry ! Understood?! " he said but I didn't respond "i said UNDERSTOOD?! " he yelled at me and got on top of me . He started to hit my face hard , very hard . But then I heard I voice I like saying "hey, Get away from him"Veronica said yelling at my dad "Ronnie don't...he's gonna hurt you ... leave ..please " I said crying . I didn't want her to get hurt . But , for the first time , daddy hit Veronica , She fell in the ground and he started to kick her stomach . "Let go of her dad please ... she don't deserve it .. i do " Ronnie was in pain... I needed to help my twin . And then I realized that Ronnie was bleeding , and it was my fault . "Fine ... but you deep shit are gonna pay the price ! " he said as he started to kick my body and my head . I screamed and then he leaved me and he opened the bathroom's wardrobe and he got a broom out . I panicked . He then started to hit me with it....very hard . "Uh I hate you I wish you were never born !! " this broke my heart even more . I screamed and then I heard my mom screaming at my dad "are you crazy ?! You hit Veronica?! " wow she really didn't care about me uh ? "Yes I did , and I suggested you shut up before I punch you too !" My dad yelled at my mom "Veronica go to you're room." Mommy said to Ronnie "no I'm not leaving Juggie!!" Veronica respond . My parents grabbed Ronnie and she screamed "Ow!! Let me go !!!" .but they didn't care and they threw her in her room and they locked the door . My mom went back downstairs and my dad went back to the bathroom and I seriously tough he was gonna kill , he never do it that hard . I was laying on the floor crying and my dad looked at me and took back the broom and hit me with it until I lost consciousness. I tough I was dead . But I woke up on Ronnie's bed who was looking at her bruises in the mirror . "Ronnie ... " I said wondering what happened . She turned around and I saw her bruises all over her stomach and I started crying . It was my fault . "Ronnie I'm sorry ... it's my fault " she looked at me putting her shirt on because she was only in her bra . "Don't ever say that again jughead Jones " . She looked at me and she kissed me on the cheek . I love her so much and I can't bear the thought of anything bad happening to her .But then we heard the door opened , it was our mom " look there's something I wanna tell you guys" she looked at us and said "me and you're father are getting a divorce "
Ronnie then smiled and said "that means that daddy won't live with us anymore ?!" I was so happy .. this nightmare was finally over , or at least that's what I tough . "Yes but ... " " but what?" Ronnie ask and mommy took word "jughead will have to go live with him ." She said and I froze... this is the worst day of my life . "No mom please .... don't do this to me " I said to her crying and she looked at me . " jughead my choice is made ... you're leaving tomorrow. " she said and leaved . I cried and cried and Ronnie joined me and she hugged me . "I will get you back Juggie.... I promise . " she said to me and kissed my forehead . I put my head in her neck and cried every single tears of my body . This happened 2 months ago and until then my dad beat me almost everyday. I can't live like this anymore . I miss Ronnie so much ...... (END OF FLASHBACK) I cried and I got dressed . I went back down and I saw Ronnie "hey.." Ronnie turned around and smiled "hi... is everything okay ?" " I was just thinking about what happened last time I was in this house..." I looked at my sister and then I heard an annoying voice "what happened ? Oh that's right you're father beat you guys up ? " Archie yelled and everyone was listening now . "And then your parents got divorced and then now jughead live in a crappy trailer with his alcoolique and abusive father . "Shut up Andrews " Veronica said "or what Veronica ? Do you want me to rape you again ?" I looked at Veronica who was about to cry "wh-what ? Ronnie is that true " I said "Jughead..." She said as I turned around to face Archie and he said "oh yes it is and she loved it " that's it . I had enough. I punched him and he hit me back . I hit him and he fell on the ground . I got on top of him and started to punch his face . Until Kevin separates us . I took Archie by the collar and I took him out to his car . "Don't ever touch Ronnie again do you hear me ? " he didn't respond "I said DO YOU HEAR ME ?? " I yelled at him "yes ..." he said "good . Now leave " I told him coldly . He did as he was told . I got back to the house and Ronnie was crying in the kitchen " Ronnie are you okay " I ask her and she turned around and I hugged her. "Is it true?" I whispered in her hear . She looked at me and said "yeah..." I looked down at her . "Why didn't you tell me earlier ? " I asked. "I don't know..." I looked at her And kissed her forehead . "You need to go to sleep princess " I said as I took her in my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist and I lay her down on mommy's bed . "Goodnight beautiful" I said and she smiled . I then went back down and told everyone to go home . When everyone had leaved, I got up the stairs and went to sleep with Cheryl on Ronnie's bed . That was a big night


Yes Bughead happened ! What will happened next? Follow me if you want to know!


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