My hand goes lightly down to her slender neck, my thumb slowly trailing down the middle to rest at the base of her throat and stroke the skin there. I want to kiss her. So I do. I lean forward and press my lips gently on the corner of her lips feeling her soft breaths hit my cheek. I lift my hand that is resting on her throat to push Camila's dark hair out of the way as I begin leaving small kisses down her cheek to her jawline and finally press them against small spot underneath her ear, one of Camila's many hot spots.

My lips leave goosebumps in their wake as I trail kisses up and down the side of her neck and my hand lightly strokes against Camila's side, when I bring my lips back to her hot spot and begin to suck on the soft tender skin she moves and an annoyed groan falls from her own lips. I sit up slightly with one arm pressed against the mattress and the other still on her side.


Camila rotates her body only slightly now her body is twisted. An amused smile forms on my face at the sight of her with her left arm bent above her head and her chin tilted up in my direction, one leg lying flat on the bed and the other still bent towards me. She's such a weirdo. Her brows are still furrowed and I subconsciously reach up and stroke her cheek with the hand that was on her side. When her facial feature relax and the soft snores begin again I smile at her cuteness and pick up where I left off.

I lean down once again push my hair to the side so it doesn't get in the way or tickle Camila's face. I bring my hand back down and tilt Camila's chin to the side and press my lips under her ear and leave a gentle kiss before applying more pressure and lightly suck. Before Camila begins to stir, I trail the tip of my tongue down her neck until I reach the base of her throat and give her an open mouth kiss. I push the blanket off of her and use my free hand that isn't supporting myself to stroke her side once again. I thank whoever that she's only in a thin tank top and wearing my old basketball shorts that she stole.

My eyes widen a little and the corner of my lips tug up into a smirk when I see she isn't wearing a bra and her nipples are hard, poking through the thin cotton.

I'm not a necrophiliac but I'm missing Camila's small whimpers and sweet words she whispers in my ears and the way she kisses me back or pushing my head down to continue on with whatever she wants, so I wake her up.

Or at least try to.

I cup her small breast and give it a squeeze and almost let out a moan when I feel her hard nipple in the palm of my hand.

"Baby," I whisper sweetly running my nose down her cheek before giving her a little kiss.

She hums softly but moves her head away.

"Wake up baby."

"Mmmmm Lauren," Camila finally wakes and mumbles sleepily cracking an eye open. "What do you want? I'm trying..... to sleep."

With her finally awake I throw my leg over and straddle her waist and nuzzle her warm neck. I smile grazing my lips against the skin when I feel her hands come up and stroke my sides slowly.

"I miss you."

Camila hums underneath me and when I lift my head her eyes are closed once again and I pout. Literally pout. I want her to wake up, I need a distraction from my thoughts that are keeping me up and the best way to keep them away is to love up on this girl, but she needs to wake up!

Not Something Sisters Do (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now