"She's right," Cory said, pointing to Topanga, changing the subject.

"Why are you really doing this?" Riley asked. "Because I want you and your friends to become real human beings," Cory shrugged.

"Dad, I went over this in class," Ryan started. "I know, but I mean in real life. Be a person in real life, not on the internet."

"Riley, I believe by doing this, you guys can learn to become real human beings."

"Hey losers it's Maya," Maya's voice rang from the buzzer.

"Except her," Cory said, pointing to the buzzer.

"You know what?" Riley said, getting up from her seat. Ryan did not know what and indeed did not care. So instead of listening, he continued to shovel his dinner in his mouth.

"Because it's your father's job to give you little tests," Ryan heard after washing his dish. Ryan definitely believed it was his job as their teacher to give them tests, yes, but did not classify this project was one at all.

"And, maybe along the way, you guys are going to learn a little bit more about yourselves."

That was a nice sentiment to have. He was going to try and remember that one. The door opened with Maya apparently having heard this, and continuing the conversation.

"Yeah, like I learned that I'm actually really okay with all of this," Maya said, closing the door. Ryan lied down on the couch, grabbing a book off of the table. It was Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda.

He was so absorbed in the book Maya had to pull him out of it by lifting the book from his hands.

"We're leaving." Ryan got up from the couch and grabbed his jacket before walking out the door.


When the group got there Ryan met Sarah on the front steps.

"Hey, you ready to go inside?" Ryan asked. Sarah nodded and they both walked in. The group had gone ahead of them so they were already inside.

When they got in, they had walked into a conversation Ryan wasn't sure he'd understand even if he was there for the beginning.

"... Do whatever it is you do with that," Maya said, sitting at a table. "You mean read?" Farkle asked.

"Chapter one," Farkle started, but Maya interrupted him. "Ugh, I'm bored out of my mind, let's go to a movie."

Ryan quietly walked around another shelf to avoid them. "How am I friends with such idiots?" Ryan asked himself. Sarah laughed as she grabbed a table.

"Have they ever been in a library before?" Sarah asked.

"I guess not! It's so weird, I come here all the time."

They laughed and Ryan took a seat.

"So..." Sarah began awkwardly, shifting in her seat, "how is this project supposed to work?"

Ryan shrugged. "I guess we're just meant to get to know each other, really. I mean, it's great that we don't already know each other so that we can do this project and not be repeating anything."

"I guess." Sarah shrugged. Ryan sat on one chair and put his legs over another one beside it so that he was effectively laying down.

"What are you doing?" Sarah laughed. Ryan looked at her, leaning his head over the edge of the chair to look at her upside down.

"Getting comfortable, what else?" he grinned.

"So, what's up?" he asked. Sarah laughed, "Not you."

He laughed. "So, what do people normally talk about in conversations when trying to get to know each other?" Sarah shrugged.

"I guess memories or hopes for the future?" she suggested. Ryan frowned. "Really? Boring, but go off, I guess." Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure you're using that phrase right?" Ryan shrugged as he sat up in one chair, crossing his legs on the chair. "Couldn't care less if I am or not, I'm trying to be annoying as possible. Is it working?" Ryan grinned. Sarah laughed again.

"Alright. I'll start, what do your parents do for a living?" Ryan asked. "That's... that's not you starting. That's you asking the question." Sarah said, confused.

Ryan shrugged. "I started the conversation didn't I?"

Sarah shook her head but answered anyway. "My dad's a director. I've never really asked what my mom does. What about you? What does your mom do, since I already know what your dad does."

"My mom's a lawyer, actually," Ryan said, smiling. "I'm planning on being one, too." Sarah smiled. "That's pretty cool. I don't know what I want to be, yet."

"Well, we have plenty of time." Ryan grinned.

"So, what's your favorite book?" Ryan asked. "The Fault in Our Stars would have to be mine."


"I just really liked the way that John Green wrote the relationship between the two main characters. It was also really funny at some points but really sad at the same time," Sarah explained.

"I've never read it," Ryan said. Sarah gasped. Ryan just looked at her weird.

"You should totally read it! It's really good, I can lend you a copy?" Ryan shook his head. "Nah, I mean, we're in a library, I can probably find it here."

"What's your favorite book?" Sarah asked him. Ryan smiled brightly.

"Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda!"

"Ok, why?"

"It's gay, first of all, so it's automatically my favorite, I've already read it, like, twelve times."

So they sat there talking about gay shit for about an hour and a half. Sarah was bi too, who knew.

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