Wish you were Gay

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Based off of the Billie Eilish song. ⚠️SLIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD!⚠️ ANIME WATCHERS BE PREPARED!

It was a sickening feeling in her stomach thinking about it. The fact that Eren never thought of Rose the same way she thought of him.

He didn't even care when he left leaving her broken hearted. So Rose tried to smile it off. If he didn't care, then she could pretend that she didn't care either.

Rose tried to be his shoulder. But the truth was that she fell for him. And she didn't even think he considered her feelings.

All she wanted was to be with him. Comfort him when he was down and congratulate him when he was up. If he gave her a chance, she was sure that she could be good for him.

But he didn't give her a chance.

Rose wished, hoped, and prayed that
She'd get over him. There couldn't be love in the battlefield. She knew that. But it was hard. He was perfect in her eyes.

A tiny piece of Rose's head- wished that Eren was gay. At least then he'd have a reason to not like her back. The only other option was that he was a bad person. She didn't want to believe that, even if the majority of people thought so.

Rose wondered why he hadn't cut all ties with her. They talked. He expressed all his thoughts and plans with her. But Eren never showed any suggestions towards her . It seemed like her presence was just there.

She needed some way to get rid of her love for him. Rose wondered if there was a way for people to not feel this unrequited love.

She tried telling him how she felt many times, but it seemed like he was clueless or just ignored it.

On his final days in the Island before he left Rose asked him if he could meet up with her to talk. Eren ended up saying yes.

They both agreed to meet up in the shiganshina district where they both grew up and witness the cruel reality.

Eren had agreed to meet up at 12 at noon but that never happened. Rose was once again reminded of the cruel reality. She recieved the news that he had gone to Marley last night.

How could he have agreed to meet up with her if he was just going to leave her. Rose tried to her best to cover up her feelings , but she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

The only thing keeping her rooted was the idea that maybe he could be gay. Maybe that was the reason that he probably didn't like her back.

It was a selfish desire, but Rose didn't want him to tell her that he didn't like her back. She'd much rather hear that he didn't like girls.

But still, Eren had Rose helpless. And she couldn't stand that he never bothered to say goodbye to her.

She just wanted to be with him, to support him, and tell him he was good enough for the world.... for her. But he didn't even care enough to tell her where he was going to. Rose just wanted her brain to set her free from the romantic thoughts of him.

Yet Rose still hoped he was gay.

Ahhh doesn't unrequited love hurt? ;-; I know it does. Here's a quick one-shot I hope you enjoyed it! Until next time🌸

Eren x Oc! Reader one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin