I'm here for you

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Rose's mother, Kuchel has  been very sick when she left for the Training Corps. She wanted to stay and take care of her, but she assured her that she should go and chase her dream of being apart of the military alongside with her older brother Levi. She said that she would get better, she promised.

Rose was at the training grounds with Eren and the others taking a break from their training when she received the letter. Shadis walked towards her group, making everyone stop their conversations to look at the scene. “Cadet Rose Ackerman” He called out as she stood up from the ground.

“Yes, sir?” He walked over to Rose with a somber expression.

“A letter for you from the captain.” He handed her an envelope. She thanked him as he looked at her before walking away to the front of the training grounds. Rose sat back down it wasn't often that her brother sent her letters since he was in the frontline most of the time.

The others that were around her leaned forward to look at her letter. Everyone rarely got letters from their families and friends back home, and if they did the instructor certainly didn’t come deliver it to them.

“Who’s it from?” Eren asked. Rose shrugged as she ripped the seal of it. She pulled out the paper that was inside of it. It looked like an official form, like someone from the government wrote it.

Mother has unfortunately passed away due to her sickness. I will prepare her preparations...

Rose didn’t bother reading the rest of the letter she knew it was Levi who wrote it.  She just stared at the paper wide eyed and mouth agape. There must be a mistake, her mother was fine. She promised.  There was no way she could be dead.

“Rose?” she heard Eren call out, but he sounded far away, even though he was sitting right next to her. 

“Rosie?” He called out again, standing up and shaking her shoulder a little. That brought her back to reality. She looked around and saw that Eren was staring at her, his eyes filled with concern and worry.

“It’s…It’s nothing, really. Just a letter…It’s fine.” Rose calmly folded the letter and put it back inside its envelope. Eren stared at her for a few more moments, but then she gave him a small reassuring smile. He returned it with a doubt.

"All right maggots, starting running again" Shadis instructed.

"Aw man I'm always running" Sasha complained while standing up.

"What do you expect potato girl? Your always pissing off the instructor somehow"

At that moment Rose's mind was blank she understood what was happening yet didn't know how to react.

"Rosie are you okay? Shadis told us to start running" Eren said looking at Rose with full concern.

This had made Rose snap back into reality.

"She promised...." The short girl whispered.

"Rose are you alright?"

"She promised!" Rose said looking up at him with teary eyes. Making him panic at her response. She wasn't one to cry, especially not in front of others.

"She promised!" Rose cried hysterically making everyone turn their head towards the two.

"Rosie what's happening?" Eren asked again but before she can answer she ran out the training fields leaving everyone with concern and confused. Especially Eren.


For the next few days, Rose was excused from training due to the upcoming funeral of her mother. Making everyone even more concern for their friend and comrade that disappeared after her breakdown.

When she did come back Rose didn't allow herself to grieve, she had to be strong like her brother told her, she had to be if she wanted to be a soldier. Everyone was concerned for her but she'll shrug it off with a smile or change the subject when they specifically mentioned it. No matter how hard she tried to hide her grieve, Eren took notice.

He noticed how her eyes seemed to be far away whenever he was talking to her. He noticed how she started eating less and losing weight. He noticed how she talked less and just responded with nods. Rose wasn’t herself, there was something seriously wrong.

He decided to confront Rose about her sudden change in behavior one night. He asked to talk to her in private during dinner.

“Rose, what’s wrong?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Nothing is wrong with me! I'm totally fine don't worry about me” Rose tried smiling but couldn't her grieve didn't allow her to.

“Don’t lie to me.” his words surprsied her.  It was clear that Eren wasn’t going to let her leave until she told him everything. Rose stared at the ground, unable to meet his eyes. When she did she took in a shaky breath and tears automatically rolled down her face.

“My mother…S-She’s…” Rose couldn’t finish her sentence as a sob whacked through her small frame. Eren didn’t need to have Rose finish that thought, he already knew what happened. He saw that the letter was an official document, not just any, but from the corps her brother served in and that could only mean one thing.

Her knees buckled under the grief and sadness and she fell to the ground. Rose covered her mouth as she let out choked sobs, tears streaming down her face.

Eren got on the ground with Rose and pulled her into his lap and hugged her. “It’s okay to grieve,” He whispered as his hands ran through her hair. Rose held onto him as her tears soaked his shirt.

“I-I-I’m s…Sorry-”

“Shh, just let it out,” Eren interrupted her. Rose nodded and tightened her grip around him. "I'll always be here for you" he softly murmured.

The two stayed like that until she ran out of tears to shed. Rose didn’t let go of him, though. “Thank you…” she mumbled as she sniffled.

“Of course.” He kissed the top of her head. She knew the pain of losing her mother would never go away, but she knee she had Eren and her brother Levi to help her through it. Rose was ’t alone in this and she was grateful


Hope you guys enjoyed this short one-shot! Feel free to request! Until next time🌸

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