9 || With you I'm fine

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-Mark's POV-

Jackson is here with me, he arrived some minutes ago with a lot of questions about Y/N; everyone is worried about her and they want to see what they can do to help her out but honestly, I don't know what to do either. I know she's strong and that she can get through any obstacle but this time is very different, she lost her father and not in the nicest way.

-Are you wandering around your mind again? – Jackson asked as he looked at me. He's holding his pen, just doing homework like me; Jackson was worried, I can see it in his eyes.

-Yes, I am – I sighed. –I have to do a lot of homework – I joked.

-Hmm, you are a good person, hyung – Jackson said as he kept on working. –I wouldn't do her homework – He chuckled.

-*Chuckle* that's mean but I guess you are just honest – I smiled while I kept on writing down on my notebook the answers for the questions.

-Hyung, do you think she's going to be alright? I mean with the surgery and recovering her vision? – He asked concerned.

-I don't know... I do know that I want to keep on going with that plan, however, I'm sure that if I tell her that her father is going to give her what she needs for the surgery, she's going to deny it – I said.

-In that case, I think we shouldn't tell her – Jackson said. –I mean, just tell her that the surgery can be made since they already have the retina and the tools for it – He explained.

I hate to hide things from Y/N, I think she deserves to know who's responsible for making her see again, however, I think Jackson has a point here; we shouldn't tell her and just roll with the situation.

-I agree, maybe that'll be the only way – I smiled.

-Y/N's POV-

You heard people talking, familiar voices for sure; Jackson and Mark might be having a little chitchat in between them, you want to join but at the same time you prefer to just stay there and think about what Mark told you about your father.

-So your mom didn't tell you about the whole situation? – Jackson asked; those words captured your attention so, with Chesnutt's help you walked towards the door frame, you reloaded your arms on it and then you tried to hear what they were talking about.

-No, like yes but I don't believe her – Mark said.

-Whoa, do you think she's lying? – Jackson asked amazed.

-It's a possibility, I mean she hates Y/N and that's not a secret – Mark pointed out. –But I don't know what she's hiding, and I don't know if I want to know – He admitted.

-Why? – Jackson asked confused.

-Because I have a feeling that this could be dangerous – Mark said.

-Well, yeah maybe – Jackson agreed.

Mark knows something else about your father's murder but you are sure that he's not going to tell you something about it, it sucks because you really want to know what happened and why does he think everything his mother told him is a lie.

-Come on buddy – You patted Chesnutt's fur head, he immediately started to guide you towards the bed once again; you sat down along with Chesnutt, you were getting anxious just because you aren't able to do a lot of things because you are blind, however, Chesnutt is calming you down just by hearing him breathe deeply. You trust this dog more than any human, he's been there with you since the beginning of your illness and he has been your eyes since then.


Even if Jackson was there at Mark's place you slept again, you didn't say "hi" and you definitely didn't stand up from bed after hearing the conversation Mark had with him; you are just breathing in and out while you tried to think of someone that could be responsible for your father's murder when suddenly you heard footsteps, it was obviously Mark who might be back from his jog with Chesnutt.

-You are awake now – Mark said surprised.

-I am – You said. Mark walked towards you and then you felt how he got by your side.

-I have something to tell you – Mark said a bit nervous.

-And what is it? – You asked.

-The hospital called a while ago when Jackson was here, the doctor you went with Yugyeom and Jinyoung told us that they are ready to make your surgery happen – Mark explained.

-I-I can recover my sight? – You asked surprised.

-You can – He said. –I know that today has been horrible in all ways, so take your time to think about your decision – Mark said while holding your hands.

-I want to be able to see again, like having that news is really good but... as you said: I'll have to think about it, but I know that I'll say yes – You said while you tried to smile a bit.

-Well, don't feel pressured – Mark said while caressing your hand gently. –You should eat something, you haven't had a bite since the morning – Mark said with a sweet tone of voice.

-I'm not hungry, I just want to keep sleeping – You admitted. –What time is it? – You asked.

-Well, it's already like 8:36 pm – Mark chuckled a bit.

-Oh, wow I thought it wasn't that late – You said surprised while you started to play with his hand.

-It's not that late but I guess it is for you since you slept all day – Mark said; he was playing with your fingers, you could feel how his skin was touching yours gently like if you were a gentle flower.

-Mark, I know we don't talk about us but I think we should – You said.

-Now? I don't think is the best time Y/N – Mark said concerned.

-I prefer to address everything today... and tomorrow I just want to think – You assured.

-Alright – Mark said a bit insecure.

-I'm grateful that I'm here with you; you saved me from a place I wasn't happy, you always tried to guide me through my life without trying to hurt me. And even if I don't remember how you look like now, I just feel happy to have you and to be with you – You held Mark's hand tighter while you tried to release a smile. The feeling of having him there unconditionally is something you are happy about and during this time is going to be key to have him with you.

-You'll see me again – Mark said happily. –You never have to thank me because everything I do is for you because after all, I love you – Mark admitted while caressing your cheek.

His touch was gentle and his fingers were moving around in circles against your skin, he was little by little moving them towards your lips; he started to caress the bottom of your lips softly while the only sound that could be heard was your breaths, you reached his hand and started to hold it like if you were wrapping it with your hand. Little by little, he started to get closer, you could feel it. As soon as you felt his hair against your forehead you searched for his lips, and then they met with his and gently he started to kiss you. His delicate movements brought shivers to your whole body, while his soft fingers sliding through your hair were making you imagine the moment.

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