"You did great baby" jaden said grabbing Kevin to kiss him

Camila came to me trying to hug me

"No I'm all gross" I said

"Shut up" she said hugging me "You are a rockstar" she said

"Ugh no that's so lame to say" I said

"Are you kidding you play so good" she said laughing

"Thank you" I replied laughing

"Uh Camila this is Kevin" I said grabbing Kevin's attention

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you" Camila said "you were incredible. I really loved your music"

"Oh thank you so much I appreciate that. It's nice to meet you too" Kevin said

"I just wanted to say that I love the way you speak so freely about your sexuality and who you are" she said

"Aw thank you" he said

"I mean it. It's something I wish I could- I mean wish more artists would do" she said

Kevin looked at her weirdly then smirked "I do too. You should never be ashamed of who you are and be proud of your sexuality and love who you love. That's what I try teaching to my fans" he said

"Exactly. That's so beautiful" she said

Kevin's name started being called and he went back out to go talk to fans

"Come on" I said to camila winking as I led her out to the main floor

Music started playing and it was more of a club scene now

The crowd was a lot less now since the show was over but people were still around drinking and partying

"You want anything to drink?" I asked her

"Um im Fine" she said

"Come on" I teased

"Are you gonna get something?" She asked

"Just a water or something" I said

"Oh come on I'll drink something if you do" she said

"Uh can't im riding tonight" I said and she stared at me confused

"My bike" I clarified

"Y/n im not letting you ride your bike this late at night" She said

"I do it all the time" I said laughing

"my driver can take you home" She said "now order something so I can to" she said

I shrugged and ordered a alcoholic drink as did she

As the night went on we sat at the bar just talking and talking. I learned things about her and I told her things about me. It was nice

I looked in the corner of my eye and saw Stacy. She hasn't spotted me yet as she was talking in a group of people

"What are you staring at?" Camila asked as she caught me

"Nothing" I said quickly averting my eyes

She turned around and saw Stacy. I saw camila change her posture and her eyebrow raised as if she was bothered

"See something you like?" She asked bitterly

"No no it's not like that" I said "it's just she's kinda like my-"

"Girlfriend?" Camila asked "I didn't know you were in a relationship-"

"No she's not my girlfriend" I said grabbing her hand on the table "she's kinda like my friend with benefits. It's a weird situation" I said

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum