37 ✿ The Exit Plan

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Teresa folded her arms.

"Good riddance," she spat, earning an angry glare from everyone in the room.

"We've got to go after him," Newt told Moira.

"Calm him down, make him see sense."

Moira nodded slowly at Newt's words, silently worrying about Minho's departure.

"He's not actually planning to escape, is he?" asked Thomas, evidently worried.

"Don't worry, he'll come around," was all Newt replied with.

"If he tries to leave he'll get killed," reminded Jemma. 

She hoped Minho wasn't really planning anything. All those things he had said about escaping...she hoped he had said it in the heat of the moment.

"We won't let that happen," Newt promised with a sincere expression.

With that Newt and Moira said their goodbyes and hurried after Minho.

Teresa, Thomas and Jemma headed back to their rooms.


"Minho!" Moira yelled when he was within sight in the test subject sector.

Minho didn't stop marching in the direction of A4 - A12.

Moira looked to Newt.

"Maybe he didn't hear me."

He was a fair bit ahead of them. It was certainly possible that he hadn't heard, but very improbable. But Moira was searching for any excuse rather than believe he was purposely ignoring one of his closest friends.

"I'll catch up with him," said Newt. "You stay behind in case he lashes out at me."

Moira agreed and watched as Newt sprinted ahead, easily catching up with Minho who was continuing his consistent marching pace.

Seeing that Minho had calmed somewhat, she ran up to the two of them and eventually caught up. Minho was silent. She looked at Newt. Newt shrugged.

When they reached their room Minho finally spoke.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll get the others."

"What?" asked Newt softly.

"I need to talk to Gally about something," Minho replied bluntly.

"Minho, are you alright?" asked Moira.

"Me? Yeah I'm great, just found out three of our friends want to see us dead," he replied bitterly.

There was silence as tension rose once again.

Newt sighed.

"Minho, you know that's not true."

"Do I now?" Minho asked defensively. "And what if you're wrong, huh? What if all this time they were always on W.I.C.K.E.D.'s side?"

"If they were they would have reported us when they first saw us wandering around outside of our sector," said Moira.

"Maybe, but what proof do we have? How do we know we can trust them?"

Moira's eyes widened in shock. How could Minho go from being friends with the others to suddenly questioning even trusting them?

"That's what trust is Minho," explained Moira. "It's believing someone is on your side even when you have no proof to show it."

Minho sighed.

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