19 ❀ Time in the Pit

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Newt and Sky walked back to the other Gladers just as the runners came back.

Minho marched right up to her.

Oh no...he doesn't look happy...

"Minho I'm sorry-" she began.

"Come here you stupid shuck." Without warning, Minho suffocated her in a tight hug.

Then Alby approached. He was angry beyond words. Finally he spoke.

"Newt, two nights and one day in the pit with no food or water for losing the girl."

Newt nodded, accepting his fate.

Sky looked at Newt, horrified. "What? No, Alby. It was my fault. Give me a night in the pit."

Alby glared at her with contempt. "As much as I'd love to, greenie, you're Newt's responsibility. I trusted Newt with making sure you weren't ever alone. He failed to do that."

"She has a name," said Newt.


"She remembered."

Alby looked at her.

"That's right, my name is Sky," she stated confidently.

Alby nodded in respectful approval. "Well, at least that's one mystery solved."


Newt was imprisoned straight away that evening.

That night Sky couldn't sleep. She kept turning towards the empty space beside her and she couldn't help but think of Newt alone and hungry in the pit. She wanted to sneak out and visit him but Alby had tasked the baggers with keeping guard at the door of the council hall in case she tried to wonder off again.

As much as she hated to admit it, she missed him. She couldn't help but wonder if he was missing her too.


The next day was odd. For once Newt wasn't at her side for every second of the day. Instead, Minho was appointed by Alby as her new company. To begin with it actually wasn't that bad having a different boy to hang around with. The variety was nice.

However, by the time dinner came around she realised she really did miss Newt. She missed their deep discussions about why they might really be here. She missed the funny stories he told her that had happened before she came to the Glade. She missed the crazy conspiracy theories they came up with together about the people who put them here. She missed how her sarcasm could make his serious face crumble into a laughing fit.

She decided to pocket a piece of bread from dinner, seeing as she wasn't as hungry as usual. Maybe she'd get a chance tonight to give it to Newt. She felt guilty eating while he was starving in the pit. Anyway, she needed an excuse to try and visit him.

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