29 ❀ The Dishes

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Newt had felt nothing but guilt since announcing Sky's job.

He was so selfish, and stupid for thinking remaining her supervisor was a good idea. Now his thoughts had been confirmed. She really wouldn't be his friend if it weren't for Alby's rule. 

Newt's heart sank. He really liked Sky. She was funny and clever and cute and everything he wasn't. He would never be good enough for her anyway. Newt couldn't be sure if he was attracted to her romantically. Sure she was pretty, but all the boys thought that. She was the only girl they'd ever bloody seen! But her personality...be loved it too. 

Wait what? Loved? No no no no...LIKED.

No. I'm her friend. I can't be any more than that...even if I wanted to.

How do you even bloody know if you like someone that way?

Newt knew there was something different about Sky. He felt different around her. He wanted to impress her. He wanted her to like him. He felt nervous if their hands accidentally touched and he felt dizzy when she smiled.

However, he had no bloody clue what these things meant.

He was sure that all the boys felt like that around her, who wouldn't? It was just normal, wasn't it? And if all the Gladers felt the same way as him, why on earth would she choose him?

Newt sat at dinner thinking about this. He didn't even try to join in on the conversation, trying to keep his thoughts to himself.

Gally's drink helped some. Made the thoughts slow down. He knew he'd have a massive bloody headache in the morning but he didn't care.

Sky and Minho chatted away happily. She was obviously more happy talking to Minho than him anyway.

Newt found his jar of drink was empty and decided to get up to have another. Sky didn't seem to notice he'd left. She was probably glad anyway.

Once Newt had left, he saw Sky lean towards Minho to say something secretly. Probably complaining about being stuck with him, he guessed.

Eventually, and reluctantly, Newt staggered back to the two friends, but he couldn't help but overhear their conversation a few steps from where they were sitting.

He decided to listen in. He couldn't help it. Whatever Sky was saying, he needed to know. He needed to know if there was any chance she thought of him the same way.

"I could tell," Sky was saying. 

She had her back to where Newt was standing and he couldn't see her face.

"He hated the fact that Alby chose him."

What? Was she talking about him? She thought he hated that Alby allowed him to stay her supervisor?

"You are one stupid shank, he was practically begging Alby to make him your supervisor!" blurted Minho.

Bloody hell, Minho! Just go ahead and tell her that why don't you, you bloody idiot! 

Wait...was I really that obvious? 

"What?" Sky asked, sounding unconvinced.

Minho, if you say any more I swear I'll bloody kill you.

"I shouldn't have told you that," Minho muttered.

Bloody right you shouldn't have.

"You mean...he still wants to hang around me?" Sky asked.

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