Misty Mountains Cold

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Sitting by the fire to warm yourself, you looked over to Thorin who was standing by the edge of the cliff, overlooking Middle Earth.You didn't have the greatest first impression with Thorin, considering the way you arrived in Middle Earth wasn't the most pleasant encounter. 


You got out of your car after driving home from college, you pop the trunk open and grab your backpack. It carried what you needed everyday, your college stuff, you generally left behind in your car or at a friends. It had your skateboard, phone, solar portable charger, some snacks and two half drunken water bottles. So you know, stuff you considered basic necessities. Walking into your house, you walked straight to the fridge to grab some leftovers, went to sit on the couch, put your bag next to you and turned on "The Hobbit - The Unexpected Journey". You just skipped straight to one of your favorite parts of the movie, the scene where they sing "Blunt the Knives". When it got to the part after Bilbo joined the company after signing the contract, that's when things got weird. You were wide awake but your vision started to slowly fade to black, the next thing you feel yourself falling. 

*Companies P.O.V.*

"Thanks, Bombur." Dori said as he grabbed the last two bowls for Gandalf and Bilbo. He walked over and handed it to them with a smile. "Oh, thank you, Dori." Bilbo said kindly, returning the smile. Gandalf nodded and they both began to eat. It's been about two hours after setting up camp and laying out their bedding. Gandalf suddenly stopped with his mouth open, ready to put the spoon in his mouth, when he felt the air shift. He set it bowl down in his lap and looked around cautiously. Bilbo picked up on his behavior and asked what was wrong. "The air feels different." Gandalf simply stated, catching the attention of Thorin and some of the other dwarves sitting close to him. Everyone got quiet and began to look around for any possible danger. Thorin began to cautiously stand when this burst of light appeared above them. The burst of light also caused a large, sudden gust of wind that knocked all on the butts and put out their fire.

*Your P.O.V.*

As i fall screaming, I suddenly land on something hard and lumpy. You sit on the ground with your knees close to your chest, arms clutch to your side with your hands balled into fists, eyes screwed shut and your entire body shaking uncontrollably. You started to calm down a bit and slowly opened your eyes and check your surroundings. It was nighttime from what you could tell with only the moon as your light. You could make a group of short people and a very old man. They all stare at you while the old man walks over and relights the fire with his staff. The sudden light, blinded you for a second and you reopen your eyes to looks around to see 13 short people. After a moment to acknowledge what happened, you almost immediately recognize these people. Your staring at the dwarves from the Hobbit, looking around you see they all have confused expressions. You try to stand and realize your sitting in someones lap. You turn your head, only to meet the eyes of the King under the mountain. "Umm...Hiii." you awkwardly say, looking away shyly. "I-I'm just gonna get off you now." you say nervously, shuffling yourself off his lap, so you're now sitting on the ground in no one's lap.

" you say nervously, shuffling yourself off his lap, so you're now sitting on the ground in no one's lap

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