Happy 4th of July

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm having writers block and I dont know how to progress any of my stories. I didn't write myself in a corner i just cant figure out how to move it forward.

For anyone who's wondering about the Lost Swan - Songbird, it's going to be a song fic. And I've already asked for opinions on who the love interest should be. Just a reminder, whoever it ends up being is only going to be a temporary romance. I have an OC mate for her. However, I want to keep a reader who's powers are based around song, regardless if she's singing, listening through headphones or others singing around her.

I thought it would make sense for her to be the daughter of snow white and prince charming because she is pretty much going to be a literal disney princess, she just breaks into song and stuff happens around her. Anyway, I was thinking if I should change her parents.

Should she still be snow white and charmings daughter? Or rumple and belle's? She would end up being sent into the modern world from a spell malfunction and sent to our world and they wouldn't know until gideon reveals who he is. Or maybe grumpy and the fairy he fell in love with, nova? If she ends up being grumpy daughter, nova will end up being pregnant and either didn't tell him or didn't know until after she left.

And whenever I do make a decision based of any ideas any of you are willing to share or I can come up with, I'm going to pre-write them and have a schedule so that way it's not just random updating whenever I get around to it.

I already have the kind of character she's going to be and her back story of how she fits in, but it might change a little depending on who ends up being her parent.

Anyway, sorry for not updating, I did however end up editing the middle of "Lost then Found" part 3 when the flashback happens, so if you want to go back and reread it, you can.


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