Thorin and The Company X Fem!Modern Reader

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(A/N) This is my first fanfic, so i hope you guys like it. I've read alot of Hobbit and LOTR fanfic before and i hoped to find something similar to what I'm about to write. I haven't found anything like this, but if this sounds similar to another fic you've read, please don't hate lol. The back story to this is you and your friends were watching "The Hobbit" and as the movie started, something didn't feel right, and your friends felt it too.

The room began to spin and everyone started to panic. The next thing you know, you fell through a magic portal ( or fell from the sky, so to speak ). You fell through first, then one by one, your friends as well. You all eventually became one big dog pile, someone telling someone else to get off of them. As you all stood up and collected your thoughts, dusting yourselves off from the dirt. Your best friend looked behind you in shock, soon everyone after, you turned around out the curiosity of what they were looking at, and there they were. Thorin Oakenshield and his company looking at you in complete shock. Gandalf included. After what felt like an eternal silence, Gandalf was the first to break the silence. "Hello there", he spoke enthusiastically. "Come, come. Don't be shy!", he says gesturing us to come sit with them by the fire. Thorin was about interject but Gandalf stopped him by walking towards you and gently nudging you towards everyone. (A/N : I didn't mention how of you there were, there's you [obviously], you're bestfriend, and 3 others making a total of 5. Just thought I should clarify).

You and your friends sit together as Bombur gets you and your friends food. Everything was quiet while you all ate. Your friends and yourself did everything in their will willpower to prevent themselves from jumping up and down in excitement. You couldn't believe for one second that you were sitting in front of them. Thorin broke the silence after you were done eating, demanding where you came from and how that portal worked. You took the initiative to make yourself look like the leader, and no one else objected, especially after seeing his anger and confusion. You told them that the world you from was called Earth and told them that as you were at home with your friends, that portal appeared out of nowhere and dragged you and everyone without any warning. And that was it, you couldn't tell him that you knew who they were and how this journey as going to end. Gandalf insisted that you stay the night and get some rest. Thorin, Dwalin, Balin, and Gandalf stayed awake as everyone else went to their bedrolls. "They appeared out of thin air, they must be wizards and sorceresses of some kind.", said Thorin. "Aye! We can't trust them." Dwalin spat. Gandalf spoke defensively, "They are not from here, they don't know this world. We can't just abandon them. Let them travel with us, for a short while." Gandalf continued, "If they can manage to each pull their own weight by fighting and collecting food for us and themselves, they stay. And if not, they can fend for themselves." Thorin thought for a minute and agreed.

The next morning, Thorin addressed you and your company that you will travel with them to see how fast they can adapt to the world. If they managed to learn quickly, you and your friends can travel with them, and if not, they were to stay behind. You and your friends agreed, seeing no other alternative. After 2 weeks of traveling with them, Thorin was impressed how fast you learned the skills. You learned how to wield a sword properly thanks to Dwalin. Your best friend took a liking to Fili and KIli who taught (him/her) how to use a bow and arrow and how to use a knife. Your other friends took on what skills they liked. Of course during those 2 weeks, there wasn't a moments peace from the company, bombarding you and your friends with questions about your world. You manly kept quiet traveling in the front with the Thorin and Gandalf, leaving your friends to answer the difficult questions, as you laughed to yourself hearing them struggle to answer their questions.

-time skip-

You all made it to Rivendell. You and your friends were all escorted to individual rooms. As you got ready for the dinner, you snuck off to your friends and gathered them to help you with an idea you had. You knew that Bofur would sing his, "There's a merry old inn" song. You all decided to wait for the right moment to steal the spotlight and hopefully make a better impression on everyone, including Thorin. You hoped this plan would help him soften up a bit to you and your friends. So then you all got ready and headed to the dinner. "Change the tune, why don't you?", said Nori. That was when you knew your cue was about come. "I feel like I'm a funeral", Nori added as he rubbed his ears. "Did somebody die?", Oin asked in a concerning tone. 'It was now or never' you thought to yourself. Before Bofur had a chance to speak. You clapped your hands on the table and said, "Alright lads, there's only one thing to do to lighten the mood." Your best friend immediately hopped up to grab one of the elven instruments and began to play.

(A/N : the song is from the LOTR musical, "The Cat and The Moon". Just in case you wanted to listen to it while reading this part)


There's an inn of old renown
Where they brew a beer so brown
Moon came rolling down the hill One Hevensday night to drink his fill.

(Two of your friends continued after you),

On a three-stringed fiddle there
Played the Ostler's cat so fair
The hornéd Cow that night was seen To dance a jig upon the green.

(You, BFF, and the other three)

Called by the fiddle to the
Middle of the muddle where the
Cow with a caper sent the
Small dog squealing.
Moon in a fuddle went to
Huddle by the griddle but he
Slipped in a puddle and the
World went reeling.

Downsides went up- hey!
Outsides went wide.
As the fiddle
Played a twiddle
And the Moon slept till Sterrenday.
Upsides went west- hey!
Broadsides went boom.
With a twiddle on the fiddle
In the middle by the griddle And the Moon slept till Sterrenday.

By now you've got everyone's attention, including all the elves who looked at you and friends with such surprised faces. You're now starting to stand away from the table while your friends get up to grab more instruments. Your BFF drops (his/her) instrument and walks over to you as well, to the open space. You both bow dramatically elegantly and and began to dance as you sang.


Dish from off the dresser pranced,
Found a spoon and gaily danced.

(Your BFF)

Horses neighed and champed their bits For the bloodshot Moon had lost his wits.


Well, cow jumped over, Dog barked wild,
Moon lay prone and sweetly smiled.


Ostler cried, "Play faster, Cat!

(All of your friends)

Because we all want to dance like that."

As you began to sing and dance some more, the dwarves, including Thorin, began to tap their feet and clap their hands to the rhythm and beat of the song. Even Bilbo had a hard time holding still while you and your friends sang.

(ALL of you friends)

"You can shatter every platter
But the Moon slept till Sterrenday."

Your BFF dispersed and picked up their instrument again and began to play.

(You and BFF)

"Fi-fo-fiddle-diddle Fi-fo-fiddle-diddle "

You jumped on the table and began to chant as all the dwarves and Bilbo repeated after you.

"Hey-yey-yey-yey-oh-ho "

They repeated ...


Again, they did ...

"Hoo-rye-and-hott-a-cott-a ho "


As you friends continued part of the song. Fili and Kili looked at each other and nodded. Fili offered you a hand and walked to the open space in which you and your friend danced. And as the last chorus played you began to dance around the two Durins. Bofur soon followed and took your hand and danced around with you. Fili, Kili, and Bofur danced you around passing you to each other. And right as the song ended. You took a bow as the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf clapped and whistled. 'Worth it.' you thought as you looked at everyone's smiling faces and the elves shocked expressions. And obviously after your performance, Thorin agreed to let you continue to join the company for the rest of the journey. You knew then, that you were going to make sure this journey doesn't end the way you knew it would if you weren't there. Everyone was going to live, even if you had to exchange your life for theirs.

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