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This wasn't a request but I'm currently stuck on two stories that were requested and decided to take a break from them for a moment until I can get some ideas for how I want to write it. And it doesn't help that they're both basically the same kind of request so I'm a bit tempted to combine both of them and turn them into one. But anyway, I got this idea from reading some other fan-fiction and wanted to try it out and to also post this as an apology for not updating recently. Hope you enjoy it. I wanted to make it kinda funny but I'm not funny so you're getting whatever is written below.

Just real quick too, I wanted to thank those who have been encouraging and supporting of the stories

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Just real quick too, I wanted to thank those who have been encouraging and supporting of the stories. I know I'm not the best writer or the greatest with detailing things but I love the love I get anyways. So thank you guys!!! And this had over 2K reads?!?! That is ridiculous but thank you to those who read even if you don't comment or vote, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my shitty writing.


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I watched the flames of the fire as they danced, the crack of the wood as it burned and the sparks from the wood float into the night sky. I was deep in thought as I stared aimlessly at the fire. The conversations around me sounded far away though I sat not even 5 feet away from everyone. Trying to think of anything to rid my mind of the negative thoughts that plagues my mind. 'Why do I always inner monologue like that?' I contemplated. 'Stop it, me.' Sorry.

"Hey, lass. Suppers ready." I heard Bombur call out to me. I stood up and walked over to him, grabbing some plates he had set aside and started bringing everyone their dinner before settling back in my previous spot with my plate.

I looked over everyone as they ate, smiling to myself about the wonderful friends I've made. Even 'The King of Grumpiness' doesn't seem as hostile to me as he did before. I looked back down to my plate, my smile still lingering.

"What about you, lass?" I heard Bofur ask me. Confused, I lifted my head to him, "What?" He chuckled, "I said what are you afraid of?" he repeated. "Oh. Nothing really." I casually said before I took another bite.

"You're not afraid of anything?" Dwalin asked, not hiding the disbelief in his voice. "No, I didn't say wasn't afraid of anything. Obviously I have some fears, just not a lot. Everyone scared of something. I happen to not be afraid of as many things as the average person." I clarified.

Fili and Kili shared a look, mischievousness glinting in their eyes as they turned back to me.

"Orcs?" Kili asked. "Nope." I answered, popping the 'p'.

"Trolls?" Fili then asked. "No." I replied nonchalantly.

"Goblins?" "Dragons?" "Snakes?" I heard 3 different voices from the other side of the fire. "No. No. And no." I responded, finally finishing off what was on my plate before setting it down in front of me.

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