Heathcliff and Amber

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It's a wonderful time in Boston. The Christmas decorations and lights remind me of my childhood. The smell of hot chocolate and all of those warm nice drinks and that damn cologne.

Falling on the arms of the sexiest man alive wasn't the plan. Why do I always embarrass myself in front of gorgeous guys? Why do I find him funny as hell? Why do we start making Christmas shopping together? And why do we end making out in the dressing room of an expensive shop?

Why do I need to be attracted to cocky, cheeky, bearded bastards with huge muscles and blue eyes? Why does that stupid smirk make my legs turn into jelly?

 This Christmas should be funnier than ever and most certainly naughtier. 

The cold air brushes against my face and I wrap my cozy jacket even tighter if possible

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The cold air brushes against my face and I wrap my cozy jacket even tighter if possible. Damn you, Winter.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love this time of the year. Boston looks prettier than ever, the snow makes my dog happy, but I prefer to stay at home with my warm PJ's on and a book.

Stupid Christmas shopping. Even stupider when you have the biggest family in the world. With two brothers and a sister, my parents and my five nieces I'd say there's pretty much nothing to buy.

I have no idea what to buy, socks maybe? I hate, hate, hate having to put myself on another person's shoes and think would I buy this? Because I know the struggle of opening a gift and pretend to like it.

"Oh, it's so pretty!" That's my usual line, every year on Christmas and on my birthday.

I'm on my way to the men's department, the now warm air of the mall and the cheesy Christmas song playing makes me feel better. If only I read the stupid sign that said the floor was wet.

I feel like I'm going to sink right into the floor before a pair of strong, big hands steady me.

"You alright?" a deep voice fills my head and I hear it on repeat, almost as if I'm being hypnotized by it.

"Motherfucker," I adjust my jacket and finally look up, only to find the most gorgeous blue eyes staring at me with amusement.

God forbid I embarrass myself in front of an ugly guy. Is he even real? Am I hallucinating?

"Should've paid attention to the sign," he motions with his head.

Cocky bastard.

"Maybe if he was looking my way and not yours," I bite back. Fuck, I'm being aggressive again. Be nice, Amber. "Sorry, thanks for catching me though," I start to walk but in short seconds he's next to me again.

"Rough day?"

Is he serious? Goddamn.

"If you're doing almost last minute shopping for a huge family," I sigh.

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