Sterling and Naomi: Part 1

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Disclaimer: This chapter is a let's call it a sequel to my book Yours To Keep. Be aware that by reading this you may get a small spoiler. You don't need to read Yours To Keep to enjoy this chapter. Welcome, Sterling and Naomi once more.

"Hurry up, Ster," I call him again.

Fucking Sterling, I'll break his arm if he doesn't hurry up.

"Going, Naomi," he shouts back as he comes down the stairs.

My husband looks hotter than ever. Ever since we got married it looks like he got ten times sexier. Or maybe that's just the hormones talking.

"What took you so long?" I groan as I open our mansion's door once more.

"I forgot something," he answers and kisses my cheek.

His hand brushes my belly softly "How is she doing?"

"Kicking like I'm her favorite punching bag,"

It's the truth. Our daughter is aggressive, just like me. She's going to be hard to get a hold of. Poor, Sterling.

I got pregnant during our honeymoon, that was eight months ago. I don't mind being pregnant and neither does Sterling. I'm horny all the time. All I do is eat and fuck.

"That girl is going to be a problem," he mumbles to himself and I chuckle.

"Where are we going? You kept me waiting long enough," I pout.

"It's a surprise," he refuses to say any other word and I finally give up.

Since Christmas in LA is boring because of the missing snow, we traveled to New York and will be spending both Christmas and New Year's Eve.

I actually have no idea where Sterling is taking me, but I can already tell I'll love it. This man has known me since we were both teens and we've been in love ever since. If there's something that I'm looking forward is to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Why are we going u?" I frown as the elevator goes upwards instead of the garage.

"Traffic. We're taking the helicopter,"

"We also had the train," I tease.

Listen, I grew up wealthy, I'm not going to lie. But Sterling, well ... Sterling family has been always rich. His father worked his ass off to own such a big company and Sterling refused to take it as his own. He wanted to create his own empire, which I always admired.

I remember him letting me drive his new cars when we were younger and I was always afraid of getting a scratch on them. His words were always the same "I have enough money to buy a new one, don't worry."

I miss those days. Who knew this would be where we end up. Married, with a kid on the way and having even better sex. Yes, because sex with Sterling was the best back then. He was older, had experience, and knew exactly what to do to make me beg for more. Things haven't changed that much.

The helicopter comes to a stop on a huge backyard and Sterling helps me out.

"Where are we?" I look around. We're in the Hamptons, I think. And there's a huge house with a tennis field.

"This is our Christmas gift ... one of them." he puts his arm around me.

"What?" I chuckle and look at him "Are we moving into the Hamptons?" I ask.

"Only if you want. I want her to grow up in a big house with her siblings," Sterling chuckles.

"Thinking of more so soon?" I laugh.

"With you? Of course. I want a full football team,"

"You're not getting more than three," I slap his arm as we both chuckle.

We walk inside and the house is beautiful, but there's something more important to take care of.

"Show me the room first?"

"Follow me, sweetheart," Sterling gives me his hand and shows me upstairs.

"This is it. Does the bed look comfortable enough?"

"I think we should try it," I drop my coat to the floor.

"What?" his eyebrows jump and I can't help but laugh "Sweetheart, it's your fourth orgasm today,"

"I'm horny, and I'm glad you're counting them," I smirk and start undoing his pants.

I may be eight months pregnant but my belly isn't that big. I'm skinny and have curves, the medium belly doesn't make it difficult for us to find a position.

"You sure?" Sterling grunts, it's crazy how hard he already is.

"Very," I smile.

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