chapter thirty-three-"Is this treason or not"

Start from the beginning

With that said she slammed the door, leaving angrily.

He stood there shocked.

No, it wasn't possible.

It was surely something else.

She didn't know about vampires. She must've made a mistake. No 17 year old knows of their existence.

The royals and warriors kept that a secret from all civil packs.

So it was impossible that she saw a vampire. It must've been a misunderstanding.

His territory was never breached and especially not by a vampire.

Yet, the mere thought that a vampire really did get in the territory and enter her room.

The thought that it could've harmed her in any way possible sent a chill of terror down his spine.

He looked at the teams.

It was him, Tommy and Mark.

The second team was Dante, Blade and Tobias.

And so on.

He then quickly and angrily drove away.

As soon as he git out of his car, vampires were already there trying to get in the territory.

He growled at them and immediately began to fight.

He first threw an axe he was carrying on the first one advancing, hitting him between his


He then withdrew both his knives before charging to battle.

He sliced ones neck and stabbed the other.

Another charged at him and he knew that this one was older than the others cause he was indeed very skilled.

The vampire laughed and the fight began.

It strikes and threw a slash after the other.

Jace was able to avoid his stabs. He quickly ducked and slashed at him, however the filth avoided it at the last second.

It attacked Jace again and this time, Jace ducked again took hold of the vampire's arm.

Then he turned around still holding it's arm and stood up, causing the filth's arm to bend and forcing it to kneel before him.

Then, Jace pulled it's arm even higher till he was holding both his arm and neck.

He knew that it's arm was only a breath away from breaking and Jace smirked.

He looked down at him and smirked before applying a little more strength breaking it's arm.

Jace had the satisfaction of hearing it scream out in pain.

Jace pulled it's head up by pulling it's hair and put the knife at it's throat.

Before he could slice it's neck, Tommy came running towards him, since they spread out in the area they should cover.

Jace paused.

He then asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Dante and Blade aren't answering their phones and neither does Tobias know where they are since he didn't find them when he returned from the hospital, where he had taken a man. He says that they found a few vampires sucking a man's blood and Tobias took him to the hospital. On his way back he encountered some vampires and after he returned to the area he didn't find neither men, but many vampire corpses. He also claims that he smelled our Luna's, Beta's and Gamma's scents there. I don't know alpha but i don't like this. Not one bit of it. I think we should return to the territory."

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