🌑 The Void 🌑

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I'd always felt more comfort in the dark. There's this big void of nothingness surrounding me. Like a big warm hug. It's a free space when I can release my inner, deepest thoughts and not be judged. Unlike the light, it's not invasive and clears my head so I can concentrate.

And that is why I won't open that door. I'm right here in my comfort zone and I'm not moving. For me, it's virtually impossible to imagine the horrors that lurked outside in the light. So I will stay put. As I inhale deeply, my light blonde hair falls over my closed eyes. Even the lightest touch of the ends sends a strong tickling sensation across my face. Slowly, I pull all of my hair into a group at the back of my head and wrap a pink silken ribbon around it to pull it into a ponytail. Hesitantly, I uncross my legs and lift myself up to face the door. If I won't go through it then I can at least look at it, right?

The dress around my body hands loosely and lets me move freely to allow myself to properly inspect the door. My bare feet come into contact with the cold, hard floor and I feel a shiver go up my spine. But I'm not scared. As I became accustomed to the familiar chill in the air, I move with more confidence and purpose towards the doorway.

The deep cracks that run throughout the entirety of the door, make it seem old and beaten. This particular shade suggests that the door is made of dark oak. It has a sense of eeriness surrounding it so I back up. Quickly, I hurry back into my spot of relaxation. I cross my legs and prop my back up against the wall.

The moment my eyes close, I begin to see glimpses of images that flash across my vision. These bright, bright images bring with them a wave of pain that settles in my head and leaves me gasping for air.

The hell could that have been? Memories? I have very few of them so I cross that off my mental list. Then it must be... My imagination? That's what it is. Of course. But why would my mind make up such horrid things. I ponder on this thought for a few moments thinking of the possibilities.

Suddenly I feel sharp rays of light hitting my eyelids. As worry creeps up my spine, I begin to question myself. I couldn't have possibly have opened the door by accident, could I? No I didn't even touch it. This can't be happening again. Please...

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