.Chapter Two.

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Elliot's eyes went wide as he watched Olivia stand in front of him, now completely embarrassed.

"Liv, I didn't know," Elliot whispered, but Olivia shook her head.

"Of course you didn't know. You always expect me to ask about you, but you never ask about me. I'm going home, but you don't have to cover for me as I do for you all the fucking time."


Olivia went home and curled up in the middle of her bed and cried. She wanted to be the one who was excited about expecting a baby with Elliot. She wanted to be the one who kissed Elliot with as much passion as Bella had. But she wasn't going to be kissing anyone anytime soon, because no one wanted to date a crazy woman who is married to her job.

"Olivia?" Elliot's voice called into Olivia's apartment. He had a spare key to her place, and I bet she regretted giving it to him. Olivia quickly sat up and ran the heels of her hands over her eyes and her cheeks before quickly standing.

She walked to her bedroom door and opened it. Elliot stood in the living room and saw her and he felt his heartbreak. The one person in this world that deserves to be happy, isn't.

"Wanna talk?" He asked as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"No, I don't wanna talk. Just go back to work, Elliot. Leave me alone." She huffed. Elliot knew this was just her way of trying to push him away so she can be alone, but he's known her for years and it wasn't going to work. It hasn't in the past and it won't work now.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were so unhappy?"

"Because I'm fucking happy! Can't you tell?!" She exclaimed. Elliot frowned.

"You told me that you were unhappy. You yelled at me and said you weren't happy. I'm sorry that I've been kinda talking about being married and happy." Elliot breathed. Olivia just shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair.

"You have a wife. You are having a baby. I'm lonely. I'm never going to have children." She whispered.

"You are going to find someone, Liv! You are amazing. So smart, caring, loyal. Soon you will find a man and fall in love with him. You will have so many children that you'll be tripping over them!" Elliot exclaimed as he smiled. 

"Yeah?" She breathed.

"Yeah. Anyone who is with you will be the luckiest person on the face of this Earth. You are amazing." He spoke. Olivia started to cry again before walking towards him. She clung to him and he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"Why not me?" Olivia mumbled against his shoulder.




Elliot went back to the precinct and he went to tell Cragen that Olivia wasn't feeling good. He hasn't been listening to her and seeing how truly upset and depressed she looked. Her brown eyes didn't even sparkle anymore. 

"Where is Liv?" Fin asked as he came into the squad room with two cups, one with a tea bag hanging over the lip of the cup.

"She went home. She's not feeling good. Uh, tea?" Elliot asked, and Fin nodded.

"Yeah, I just thought she might want some. To calm herself. How isn't she feeling good?"

"Just not feeling great. I'll drink that." Elliot smiled because he didn't know if Liv wanted anyone else to know about how she was feeling. He knew that eventually, Cragen would have to find out about her depression, because it might not be safe for her to do runs on her own with her loaded gun.

Elliot went to start drinking the tea, but then Olivia took it from his hand and sat down at her desk.

"This is my mug. See all of the pretty flowers?" She smiled, and Elliot grinned.

"It's nice to see you smile." He whispered, and she sighed and nodded. If only he knew what she had said. If only he had picked her instead of picking Bella.


No case came in that day, so everyone got to go home early. Olivia and the guys were going out for drinks, and Elliot was going to go with them, but that's when Bella came to pick him up.

"Hey, babe!" She exclaimed, and Olivia swallowed hard as Elliot finished helping her put her jacket on, before running over to his wife.

"Hey, Bella. How are you?" He smiled, before starting to make out with her. Olivia wanted to scream, but she knew that probably getting drunk instead would be better. She grabbed her keys and started to walk past them with the rest of the crew, but Bella stopped kissing Elliot and drew Olivia into a hug.

"Elliot said that you were so happy for us when he told you that I'm pregnant! Thanks for supporting us. I'm going to need a friend through this all and our baby is going to need a godmother." Bella spoke, as she continued to hug Olivia.

"Of course. I'll try my best. Uh, I've gotta go catch up with the guys."

"Why don't you come out to dinner with us?" Bella asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she looked at Elliot.

"I-i don't think I can do that. I do not want to impose. Have a go-"

"No, you have to join us! Come on, it's our treat." Bella smiled, and Elliot just nodded a bit.

"Okay, thanks."


It was a very awkward dinner from start to finish. Bella was hanging off of Elliot and he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Olivia couldn't help but think that the reason why Elliot was never interested in her was that she was older. She wasn't young and beautiful anymore. She didn't have as many years left in her to have children as Bella did. 

They sat right next to each other, and Elliot kept kissing Bella and Bella would lean into him. Olivia felt like a third wheel. As soon as dinner was over with, Olivia tried to make her escape, but then Elliot went to get the car and Bella wanted to talk.

"So we were going through our wedding pictures last night and you looked amazing in that suit you wore to be Elliot's best man," Bella spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I tried." She said with a forced laugh.

"Well, I'm sure your girlfriend is absolutely in love with you." Bella smiled, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"I'm straight, Bella. I just wore the suit, which was made for a woman, because Elliot asked me to... Here he is. Take care."

Olivia turned and walked down the street and hailed a cab. Well doesn't this make everything better? Not only does the stupid girl who is madly in love with Elliot, and who he is madly in love with also, thinks she is a lesbian.

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