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"Next game!" The emcee said energetically.

Excitement can be seen from the faces of the crowd inside the reception venue.

"It's a team of four men vs. four women. And the leader of each group will be the best man and the maid of honor."

Thirdy and Bea's eyes widened as they were pushed towards the stage.

"So Mr. Thirdy and Ms. Bea, pick three more people to join your group please." The emcee smiled.

Both of them glanced annoyingly at Kat and Bacon, who obviously, was the mastermind of this game.

"Can we pick the groom and bride for our team?" Thirdy smirked.

"Yeah! It's more fun!" Bea teased.

"Nice idea! So Mr. and Mrs. Austria, please go to Thirdy and Bea respectively." The emcee said and the crowd clapped their hands.

The newly wed didn't had any other choice but to join the game, too.

"2 more people for each of your teams po."

Thirdy and Bea picked two persons from the crowd.

"Maddie and Therese for my team." Bea chuckled as the two frowned.

"I pick Luigi and Pao." Thirdy laughed.

"So, it is Bea, Kat, Therese and Maddie against Thirdy, Bacon, Luigi, and Pao. Exciting!" The emcee giggled.

"So the game is called....paper dance!" The emcee said excitedly.

Bea groaned.

"Kiddie party ba 'to?" Bea murmured with annoyance at Kat.

"It's cute and fun kaya." Kat stuck out her tongue.

Bacon whispered something to the emcee, which the emcee gave a smirk in return.

"Diba by pair ang game na 'to, right? So ang pairs po is: of course, Kat and Bacon, then Luigi and Maddie, Pao and Therese, and last but not the least, Thirdy and Bea."

Thirdy and Bea furrowed their eyebrows and glanced at each other.

"Are you okay with your partners?" The emcee grinned.

"Okay na okay!" They all said in unison---except for Thirdy and Bea.

Bacon was just laughing behind Thirdy, which Kat already knew what he just did.

"Now each pair, please stand facing each other, with the newspaper on the floor between the both of you." The emcee instructed.

The participants of the game exchanged goodlucks as they all went to their respective places.

"The mechanics of the game is everytime the music will stop...." The emcee started giving instructions.

As soon as Bea and Thirdy stood infront of each other, Bea smiled apologetically to Thirdy.

"Sorry Thirds. We might get eliminated in the first 10 seconds. I don't know how to do this properly."

Thirdy laughed.

"It's okay. I don't know how to dance either."

Bea raised her eyebrow.

"Excuse you? You've been dancing during your training, inside the car, everywhere! You can even twerk kaya!"

"Ikaw rin kaya! I saw you dancing minsan sa IG stories ng teammates mo!" Thirdy protested.

"....And bawal po mag-away away!" The emcee said loudly in purpose so that the two can hear.

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