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"If we weren't here and we lived normal lives, what do you think you would've wanted to do career-wise?"

You looked up from the sweater you had been sewing to Hyerin who was staring at you expectantly. Putting the piece of clothing aside, you folded your hands together in your lap and took a moment to ponder.

"I'm not sure, I had never really thought too much about my future. Probably something in the medical field, though," you answered.

"Well, I think you easily could've been a tailor with those sewing skills," Hyerin commented, gesturing to the sweater beside you.

"I didn't make it," you laughed. "I'm just fixing a hole. I don't have enough talent to make a whole sweater."

"Still, with a little practice, you could be making all sorts of stuff. Dresses, sweaters, jeans, you name it."

"I appreciate the faith you have in me," you said with a smile. Then you tilted your head in a questioning manner. "What would you have liked to do?"

"I had always dreamed of becoming a model," Hyerin said with a smile. The smile faltered a bit and the brunette turned her gaze to look out the window. "But my mother always told me I should be more practical, that becoming a model would be very difficult and might not work out. So a lawyer was my back up plan."

"Well you definitely don't mind talking, so I can see you doing fine as a lawyer. Those two jobs are quite different, though, what made you think of those two?"

"I like arguing—I happen to be a professional when it comes to doing it with my mom. I also don't like to give up unless I'm completely proven wrong, so Taehyung used to always tell me I could do well as a lawyer. But ever since I was little I had wanted to be a model. To wear those fancy outfits and strut down the catwalk, I even practiced walking. But my mother is right—the chances of me becoming a model are highly unlikely," Hyerin explained. She turned to you with a hopeful smile. "Doesn't mean I'll stop dreaming about it."

"Taehyung is around my age, correct? What does he plan on doing in the future?" you asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, he's three years older than you; twenty-three. He's always said he'd get into business, probably ending up with an office job. I don't even know why, he's just always told me with a job like that he would be able to take care of me. But I've never wanted him to go down that path. Tae-Tae is really good at singing and I've always believed he should become a singer. I should make him sing for you sometime so you'll know what I mean," Hyerin replied.

"But I guess he's already in university, right?" you asked with a frown.

Hyerin nodded solemnly. "He's dead set on that office job."

"Knowing you, you must've tried to convince him to take the singer's route," you grinned, leaning over to elbow the younger girl.

"Obviously," Hyerin replied, puffing her chest out proudly. However, her demeanour slipped away in a second and she was back to slouching over. "But Tae-Tae was immune to my lawyer skills. Even though I threatened to never talk to him again, he still said he would go into business."

"Probably because there's no way you'd be able to live without talking to me."

You glanced over at the door to see Taehyung leaning against it, a teasing smirk on his face.

"You underestimate me, mister. Don't come crying to me when I prove you wrong," Hyerin said, crossing her arms and turning away from her brother.

Taehyung shook his head and looked to you. "There's no way she'd last a day without talking to me."

"Don't flatter yourself too much, Taehyung," Hyerin scoffed.

"You better be careful otherwise she'll start ignoring you," you warned with a grin, picking up your sweater and needle to resume sewing.

"I'm not so sure about that," Taehyung began, a smile growing on his face. "After all, I brought cookies with me."

"You really think I'm that easy? God, Taehyung, I thought you were smarter," Hyerin sighed.

"Did I forget to mention I didn't make them?" Hyerin froze and slowly turned her head to look back at Taehyung. The elder had the cutest grin on his face, perfectly shaped like a rectangle. "Ji—"

"We're going to eat the cookies," Hyerin interrupted, standing up from the bed suddenly. Taehyung began giggling as Hyerin marched over to him. "There's no way in hell I'm going to let Jimin's hard work go to waste."

"Do you want to come have some, (Y/n)? Or I could bring the cookies in here if it's easier for you?" Taehyung offered.

You smiled, grateful for his kind gesture, but shook your head and held up the sweater in your hands. "I've got some work to do."

"You sure? You don't have to eat, (Y/n). I know you're not usually that hungry anyways. We could just come back to keep you company," Hyerin said, giving a concerned look.

"It's fine," you said, waving a hand dismissively. "I'm feeling a little tired today, so I'll probably just end up passing out on you two."

"If you say so, but you'll be missing out on some quality baked goods," Taehyung said with a shrug, obviously trying to change your mind.

"Yep, you'll regret this," Hyerin added, walking out of the room at a turtle's speed. "Last chance, you sure?"

"Bye guys," you said, waving a hand goodbye.

Hyerin clicked her tongue and walked out of the room, giving a queen's wave before disappearing down the hall. Taehyung walked out into the hall before sticking his head back in the room.

"I'll save you a couple," he promised with a wink.

Before you could tell him that he didn't need to, he ran off down the hall, chasing after his sister most likely. You chuckled to yourself before continuing with sewing the sweater.

You don't remember when, but, as you had predicted, you passed out from exhaustion. When you awoke, you noticed a plate with two cookies on your bedside table and a note with the gift.

Here are the cookies as promised. Sweet dreams — Tae

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