Pt.11 The Clashing of Fangs Past

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(POV: Third)

Come on...Come on!...

[F/n] thinks to himself as he tries desperately to use his aura as he's forced to watch as Ruby and Lana clash with one another, sparks from there weapons fly off in every direction. Though his site and hearing has gotten better, what [F/n] can only assume means the drug and is starting to wear off, his cuts and blood lose keep him unable to interfere, each movement causing more blood to flow as he forced to look and listen as they collide for a moment as Ruby holds her scythe sideways blocking Lana as she grips her katana with both hands, pushing against her.

"You're not gonna be able to beat me, Ruby, you may have been trained by Qrow, but I have been by the finest fighters in all of  Atlas."

"Wait, how did you-" Ruby stops as Lana holds her katana one-handed grabbing her pistol aiming at, prompting her to quickly spin her scythe, knocking Lana's katana back as she reflects the bullets then begins to does a spin attack shooting a round off propelling herself faster, missing as Lana jumps back,

"Do you really think [F/n] was the person I gained information about in my time at Beacon?" She then started shooting again as Ruby uses her semblance to dodge them shooting back.

As they continue there second of firing and dodging, [F/n]'s ears begin to twitch, prompting him to look left and right as he heard something moving when suddenly a quick reflection of light caught his eye.

"Ruby...left!" He weakly manages to yell out just in time for Ruby to move out the way of an incoming barrage of darts.

She quickly notices some heading towards my direction and quickly gets in front of me reflecting them with ease.

"Are you hit?" She says looking back to [F/n], seeing he was fine.

"Dod- AHHHH!!!" He yells raising his hands to his ears, hearing the loud sound again.

"[F/n]! What's-" before she could finish, Lana closes in, but Ruby quickly reacts slashing her scythe toward her blocking Lana as more darts begin to be shot from out the woods.

Ruby quickly shoots at Lana causing her to be pushed back momentarily as she then reflects more darts coming her way. Lana then comes in again aiming her gun towards [F/n] as he still winces in pain holding his ears, which causes Ruby to react getting in front of him as she again reflects the bullets. Lana then comes in close making precise blade motions as Ruby keeps pairing and attacking as well. Just when it seems as though they would be in another stalemate Ruby begins to attack faster, activating her semblance, doubling her attacks as Lana tries to keep up, but can't. Ruby then manages to knock Lana's katana and pistol from her hands then quickly trips her up, keeping her to the ground at scythe point.

"You don't have to do this Lana!" Ruby says between breaths, "there has to be another way, I just don't see why you're so quick to try and kill him! You two are friends!"

"It's simply my mission Ruby, nothing more, nothing less," Lana says as she begins dodging Ruby's bullets.

"I don't believe that! If it was simply a mission, your attacks and demeanor wouldn't be so angry!"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Then help me understand!" Ruby yells causing silence to sweep over the area as Lana looks up at her as if thinking before finally saying,

"very well, since you seem so intent on hearing," she then extending her hand," help me up and I promise will tell you."

At that Ruby nodded as she extended her hand to help Lana up, but something felt off to [F/n] as he still felt the malice from Lana and as Ruby helps her up, [F/n] noticed something shining in Lana's other hand.

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