Pt.5 A Wolf in Uniform

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(POV: Third)

*Team Rwby's Room*

After the events of yesterday, Weiss lays in her bed peacefully as sunlight enters through the window and the chirping of birds could be heard. She slowly awakens and yawns, stretching as she gets ready for the day, but her smile slowly fades as she looks to her right as she sees [F/n] with his thumb and index finger in his mouth.


"AH!" She yelled as she fell out of her bed.

"Good morning team RWBY and [F/n]!" Ruby yells as Weiss then begins scowling at [F/n],


"Hey Don't blame me, I was sleeping in my room until they knocked on my door," [F/n] says thumbing towards the rest of the RWBY team who already have their uniforms on, "love the nightdress by the way." He adds winking at her as she blushes and quickly grabs the covers from her bed covering herself.

"Why is he here again?"

"Well Ruby was gonna use a whistle, but we decided to use our wolf whistle," Yang says

"Plus we decided to get his help on our first mission as a team: Decorations!" Ruby says as she's now holding arms full of items.

"What!?" Weiss says confused.

"Yea we still have to unpack," Blake says holding up her suitcase which opens up, dumping her items onto the floor," and clean..."

"Plus we have this cool idea for bunk beds and wanted [F/n]'s help."

"And despite my lack of interest in decoration,"[F/n] says then as he yawns, "and my tiredness I agreed as soon as they told me you hadn't awoken yet and we don't want our sleeping beauty to miss class."

"And at that Team RWBY plus one has begun there first mission! BANZAI!" Ruby yells

"BANZAI!" Yang and Blake yell.

"Yea, banzai..." [F/n] says as he yawned again pumping his hand in the air as they did.

*minutes later*

"Well, those looks...unstable" [F/n] says standing next to the girls as they all look at there handy work, including the makeshift bunk beds they put together with rope and books.

"Remind me again, why didn't we use nails?" He asked.

"Because we don't have any?" Yang said as she shrugged smiling.

"Fair enough."

"How long did it take?" Blake asks.

Weiss then looks at her scroll and her eyes widen,

"It's almost time for class!"

The girls then look at each other and dash out as [F/n] just walks out the almost getting ran over by team JNPR who seems to also be late.

"Sorry!" Pyrrha yells as they continue.

"Why are you guys running!? it's just class!" He yells as he walks.

(POV: Viridian)

*In Class*

"Of course He's late...."

I grumbled thinking about being reprimanded because of him and at the fact I have to wear this outfit. I, however, got over it as I noticed Professor Port getting ready to start.

"Good morning cla-"

Just then teams RWBY and JNPR came rushing in...and not surprisingly [F/n] wasn't with them.

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