•Chapter Seventeen•

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Delaney's POV
Saying you're going dress shopping with Tony Stark makes people think you're joking. But that's exactly what's going on right now. I texted MJ if she wanted to tag along with me and my foster dad for homecoming shopping but she had plans involved with her parents and a protest. Now it's just me, Tony in some sort of disguise, and Happy trailing along thirty feet away from us. Totally not creepy at all, Happy.

It's currently Wednesday afternoon and homecoming is very close by. I already finished my homework and did one hero round before coming back."There's no instruction manual for this Tony," I said as we went into the car. We are currently walking around this weird mall and I can smell the Auntie Annie's pretzels in every direction. We walk past some stores until we reach one that looked fancy just by it window display.

Walking in behind Tony I take in the hundreds of dresses. There were all different styles, colors, fabrics, sizes, and lengths. On the walls there are rows upon rows of shoes. But wait, There's more! Clutches, purses, and jewelry on little booths around the store. This place has it all.

"So shall we start our journey in Barbie's closet?" Happy snorts at my joke as he leans against the wall. There were a few people in the store looking around the numerous aisles as the start from the beginning.

I've lost count of how many dresses I put on. It's been maybe a few hours and there's not much left. I found shoes which is a plus so now we just need a clutch and dress. I'm starting to lose hope though, since there's only two rows of dresses in the store. I make it there and look through. No. No, not that one. No. Wait. I pick up one of the dresses and take a look at it. A nice color and design. I get Tony's attention and go to try it on.

"This is it." Tony raises his brows and nods. I look at the clutches and pick one I think looks good with the dress and we make it to the cash register. Even though Tony doesn't give that many shits about the cost it was actually not that expensive. Saying thank you a hundred times I basically dance to the door. It was still early so we got a pretzel and I split mine with Happy. We then make it to the car and go home.

3rd POV

It's now Friday at school and everyone there is talking about homecoming that night. Delaney sits next to MJ and Ned and begins to talk with them. "Okay. Real shit, we're all dancing together. All that awkward dance shit is happening. I want that real high school dance experience." Mj and Ned snort and agree as they eat their lunches. Just then, Peter sits down at the table and greets everyone. Delaney tucks hair behind her ear and stays silent. As Peter and Ned talk, MJ sees Delaney's state and squeezes her shoulder. She flashes her a small smile and the bell rings shortly after they finish their meals.


The final bell rang and all of the student hurry out of class to get ready for the dance in a  few hours. Delaney gets in the car and drums her fingers along the door as she talks to Happy. Getting that "When I was your age" line and Delaney groaning loudly after summarizes their conversation pretty well. They make it to the Stark mansion and Happy leaves in a hurry to his office. This weekend was eventful for everyone; the dance, and the move for Stark industries. Tony reassured her that she wouldn't have to move but there were going to be some changes. She could tell that already; she walks inside to get to her room and sees a bunch of boxes waiting to be moved in the plane at the tower. She makes her way to her room and flips on the lights. She smiles as she finds her outfit already out on her bed.

She looks at the clock and sees it's 4:30. She goes to shower and pick out a few odds and ends before hopping in. As she gets out and wipes the mirror, she looks around for nail polish. She finds a simple white color from a gift she got from Pepper and tries to paint her nails. Not exactly failing, she is proud of her work and goes back to her room to put on her clothes.

The Girl Behind The Mask• P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now