•Chapter Eight•

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Ned decided to check out Delaney's house to ask if she could study with him. As he got closer to the location and his eyes widen to see where the directions took him.

He was standing right in front of Tony Stark's mansion.

He presses the button by the gate and it allows him to go in. Speaking his name on the comm, the doors open, letting him walk into the large house. He tries not to freak out as he looks around for Delaney.

"Uh Delaney? Are you home? I was wondering if we could study for the- Holy"

He sees Sorceress in the hallway and she immediately tries to hide her face. "Ned! I don't know you were coming over! Please don't freak out." He's glued to his place as she runs in her room and changes out of her suit.

She comes back to see Ned still in place. "Ned... please don't freak out. Tony might have my head for this." His eyes wide, she pulls him to the kitchen and sits down. She puts ice cream in front of him in case he needed some comfort. "So I guess I'll tell you the whole story then."

Ned's POV
First Peter and now Delaney? I don't even know how to feel about this. But she lives with Tony Stark! I wander if she's going to be an avenger.

She tells me her story as we both eat the ice cream. She explains how she is a witch and she was adopted by Mr. Stark for her identity to be hidden. "So I took a picture with you?" She nods her head. "Am I the only one who knows your identity?" "Uh yeah besides the people here like Happy and Tony."

"So Peter doesn't know?" She shakes her head. I remember him telling me that he met Sorceress once. "Wait until he" "No! Ned! I don't want him to know... at least not yet. You guys and MJ are the only friends I have had like ever and I don't want to ruin this. I'm not sure what his reaction would be; it could be like yours or he wouldn't want to talk to me because I lied. I don't want to risk that with Peter." She looks away from me and I could tell this is really stressing her out. I take a breath and say

"Your secret is safe with me."

Here we go again.

[A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is so that she can show her relationship with Ned and him finding out she is a super hero.

More will come soon! I only have a few more days of school and then I'll try to post a lot. Thanks for reading!]

The Girl Behind The Mask• P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now